
Good luck!!
Congrats to all of you have managed to kick the habit, it's darn tough, I know.

Thanks for all the support and well wishes folks, I know I'll need them.
Total agreement, here. Unfortunately, I like smoking. Why? Why?!?!

I've quit four times (the longest was ten months) but un-quit every time. Quit lots of times for a day, or for close to 24 hours...

I admire true quitters (as odd as that sounds...) and hope anyone who attempts to quit does succeed. Go for it!
I quit but keep the gum handy for the stressfull times. When I want to smoke I chew the gum craving is gone then I clean something. But still am a quitter. On an plane I can pick out a smoker really quick. I pop some gum and take a nap. Quitting smells so much better.
Good luck!
You are in for some rough roads ahead. I quit smoking in May 2009, I started again after too many stressful months of unemployment in Dec 2010. I'm disappointed with myself to say the least. However, hubby was still smoking and then his family came to stay and they all smoked... and so the downward spiral began.

You make sure you get family support for those hard times or you just won't make it. This is not something everyone can leave you to do on your own, you have to be the biggest fighter... but they need to keep telling you how good your doing and keep you out of situations that will make you want to go back.
Wishing you success!! I smoke too, and I absolutely despise my habit. I need to wear a warning label when I am quitting.

WARNING: The filter between my brain and my mouth is in the end of my cigarette.
I stopped using Chantix. My doctor recommended it. I figured what the hey- what do I have to loose.
For someone who tried many times and failed , it worked like magic for me!!! I am not one with a lot
of will power either. I didint have any weird side effects and in like 3 weeks I was done!! Its been 4 1/2
years now -smoke free!!! Dont miss it one bit!!!! Best thing I ever did for myself. Honestly you should check
with your doctor. Its expensive if you dont have insurance but hey smoking is quite expensive these days too!
And look at all the other expenses that come with it. Bad health, medical bills and everything else.
Good luck!!!! My prayers are with you both!

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