Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

This just in:

Hello everyone!
Well today was our official first chemo treatment. We had a little set back since the doctor on Tuesday only handed us consent forms instead of us actually signing them so we had to wait for the doctor at the clinic to get free time to come see us. But again, minor setback.
Kyle was still happy and confident walking into the hospital today, which was a big relief for us. This was the first visit back to the same hospital we were at (we went somewhere different on Tuesday), but he didn't flinch. And like the rock star he is, he never complained or cried at all the whole visit.
They had a person come and show Kyle exactly what was going to happen using a doll. We asked if he had any questions and Kyle piped up "I no have questions" with a big smile. Which was then his go-to phrase for every time someone asked Kevin or I if we had questions. So Kyle kept it light for sure. When they "access the port," it means they are actually sticking a needle into the port. During that process, Kyle didn't move, cringe or hold his breath. He just looked at the book with the "Child Life" specialist. When it time to remove the sticker thing that held everything in place, we were all a little nervous because that's uncomfortable to pull this 3inch square off your chest. The nurse asked Kyle if he wanted to help, and he ripped almost the whole thing off in like two seconds. She actually had to tell him to pause so she could see what he was pulling because he did it so fast. Again, no tears, no grunts, no complaining. The nurse looked at us when she was done and said "He is the toughest boy I've seen in a long time. No, seriously. He was incredible. One of the other nurses asked I needed help accessing his port earlier and I told I was done. She couldn't believe she never heard him at all. He did awesome!" We don't know if it hurt and he is just that tough or he if the pain cream kept it from being uncomfortable and he is just chill enough that the process didn't bother him. Either way, we were very proud of him.
They gave him a dose of zofran (anti-nausea) before the treatment to help and they advised more of it to keep him from getting sick. We will definitely follow their recommendation because the last thing we want is for him to get an upset stomach. Oh and he was snacking before, during and after the treatment. I'm not sure if that was good or not but we were happy he had an appetite.
I know there have many questions about side effects. The answer we heard over and over was "It just depends on the child." It does seem like there is a general consensus that side effects could be seen tonight or in the next few days... Or he could have none. We will try to keep you posted as we try to watch for the things they told us. The biggest thing is watching for any fever. If he has a temp of 101 just one time, we are supposed to call and even possibly take him to the hospital. That's such a change for us but a minor thing to deal with in the grand scheme of his situation.
Katie did go with us to the appointment and I think understands a little more that this is a big deal but it's not scary. Overall, she did great and mostly observed.
As a reward to everyone, we went to Sweet Katie B's cupcake shop to get cupcakes. :) Since we don't know what Kyle's evening or future days will hold, we wanted to take one last trip out.
Okay I've rambled enough. We wish everyone a wonderful weekend! Thank you again for your faithful prayers and support.

Well now, that was a most satisfying ramble!

That is great news. I worry about the fear that these things cause children as much as the pain and discomfort.
It seems like he is handling it like a champion!
Thank you for the update. It seems like a lot of our kids are going through some scary procedures, and I am relieved to be able to come here to get information.
Thank you.
We just Skyped with the kids! Kyle was playing with stickers and construction toys he got from various family members and friends. He was goofing around with his sister and seems to be taking his treatment in stride. Thank you for continuing to uplift him!!


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