

15 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Is anyone else having problems quoting? I just was in the NYDH thread and was behind like 5 pages and was trying to answer questions and hit multi quotes, and it let me do that but when going to reply or quote button, it jumps down to the bottom of the page and doesn't paste any of the quotes. Some else on there was have problems with signing up for the hatchalong and making an ad. I know I'm using google chrome, but it worked last night. Oh I did log off and log back on again thinking since the Mobile app appeared and I was still logged on since last night, I needed to log off, first.
Just a heads up don't know if anyone else is having problems
Okay cache empty, still didn't work, I can post, but not quote or hit the reply button, it takes me to the bottom of the page.
Sorry to be a pain
Okay I went back and unchecked all the ones that I had multiple quotes hit on and was able to quote individual post, that works for me, I will try the multi quote button again. I tried that again it wouldn't let me then, then when I unclicked the multi quote button, it wouldn't let me quote it
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You might have something on your browser that is interfering with javascript (plugins, browser version, etc.). We'll keep an eye out for other reports, but it sounds like so far it is isolated to your computer.
It seems like it has to do with a post, maybe you can try it and see if it will let you quote it.
post 285 page 29 in the NYDH.
I went and choose a random post and I was able to quote it.
Okay I think it as to do with the copy and paste she did. I was able to quote the one you did also.

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