Qustions about using an Araucana roo...

MA Mama

8 Years
Jan 21, 2012
I have read that Araucana can be difficult to breed due to the missing last vertebrate. Is it the female body shape or the male body shape that is the problem? I have an Araucana roo over a mixed flock of hens. (All are very young, so I am looking into the future here...) Will he have difficulty, or is the problem with breeding Araucanas because the female lacks the last vertebrate? Both? Do you think I will have a problem with fertility? I am hoping that he does well and fertility is high. I'd like to have my kids see some chicks appear and grow the old fashioned way! :)
I think what I am trying to ask in a non-graphic way is: Is is the male or the female having a missing last vertebrate that is the problem??

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