R.I.P Serafina I will miss you

This may be kind of weird and if it is, I apologize and will take it down. But I lost a hen to a hawk once and at first I was very dismayed and horrified. But then I thought, that's part of the circle of life thing. And now my hen has become part of that hawk, and in a way she's kind of soaring over the treetops as part of that hawk, in a way she never could if she had always been a chicken. I was comforted and thought it was kind of neat.
I like your post it gave me a new perspective, thank you :)
The circle of life can be a hard thing for some to understand when it comes to a pet. You are very right though and trying to look at it in a positive light helps with the bereavement. Predators as they are, also play an important part in that circle of life.
Yes it is hard, but its a part of life :(
I'm so sorry you are going through this, just know you gave her a wonderful life. She looked so happy ❤ I always cry when I lose my birds even of old age. I still think about all of them but the memories make me laugh and smile of their silly little personalities. Just remember how sweet she was! Hugs!
Thank you she was very loved by me and her flock. I named her Serafina because when she was little she was quite the fighter and I thought "fiery ones" matched her fiery personality. I will always cherish my memories of her:love😢 I cry too when they pass :(

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