Rabbit breeder's thread!

Glad your buns will be ok in the garage and hoping you don't lose power!

And here I was worried about the heat the last few days with litter due just after a cold snap.

When I was about 4 years old and on I recall my neighbor having me come help her turn her eggs that she'd incubate in her gas oven. Guess that shows my age.
I so hope you have wood and a fireplace or wood stove. If so, could you put the bator (and litters, if need be) near it and adjust the distance depending on temp?
I so hope you have wood and a fireplace or wood stove. If so, could you put the bator (and litters, if need be) near it and adjust the distance depending on temp?

We have enough firewood to sink a ship, that is the game plan. The chicks I have hatched are 2 weeks so they are easy, it's the darn duck eggs I fear for, they are sooo particular I guess. Also I guess I will really have to watch the humidity if we put them near the wood stove.
I so hope you have wood and a fireplace or wood stove. If so, could you put the bator (and litters, if need be) near it and adjust the distance depending on temp?

We have enough firewood to sink a ship, that is the game plan. The chicks I have hatched are 2 weeks so they are easy, it's the darn duck eggs I fear for, they are sooo particular I guess. Also I guess I will really have to watch the humidity if we put them near the wood stove.

So glad you have wood! I recall my neighbor hand misting for humidity, and this might be a long shot, but I recall making a home humidy guage as a science project in school with items every house has...MacGyver style. Hoping the best for you.
Thanks, so far we did good, we lost power but they had it back on in about 10 minutes. Phew. Next storm please!!

I do have a humidity gauge.

The babies all have their eyes open now and their funky ears. I will try to get picks for ya all. SInce I am stuck home right now any way.

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