Rabbit help needed ASAP...... Update 1/27

It sounds like something out one rabbit had last year. My daughter thinks it's called snuffles, but i'm not sure. We took him into the vet and he was fine with medication. From what I remember it is a fairly common with rabbits.

Hope this helps.
Make a few calls and find a vet that will see your bunny. It is strange how few sill these days, but they are out there. There are so many different things that could be affecting your bunny, you really ned a vet to narrow it down for you. Sounds to me like and inner ear infection, but what caused it will determine which antibiotics you should use!

Try asking your current vet who would se a rabbit, they should know!

Good Luck!
Sounds like vestibular disease to me....although ear mites can be correct too....

as well as form of pasturella...too many diseases.
Possible injury to the back, should also be looked into. Try SMZ antibiotics, might help if it's a form of pasturella.

I breed rabbits for meat- no one has had this problem yet. Altough on occasion I run a rabbit rescue- and a rescue had this issue- head tilt- couldn't stand up- or could only hop in circles.
Rabbit unfortunately didn't survive.

depends on the age of the animal...rabbits are particular animals, one moment they are fine, the next...well....

Good luck with your rabbit and finding a vet that does exotics.
Nevermind....I answered that myself. It is Ivomec 1% not Ivomec Eprinex...

ETA: I guess I need to give an update...... There is really no change. He is no worse or better. He is still wanting to eat and drink, so I have been holding him and watering and feeding him that way. My vet had an emergency yesterday and wasn't able to get back to me. I am really at a loss here. It being right here after christmas, I can not afford to take him to another vet that is going to charge me a arm and a leg. Beside I have no idea where one is that will treat rabbits. I would rather use my vet if he can help me. I will continue to take care of Stich the best way I can and do my best to keep him comfortable and stress free. I know the outcome my not be very good at this point, but I am doing my best. Thanks everybody for your help and kind words
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Hi Tiffany, Sorry to hear you have a sick bunny, the time I had to take ours in we used Westover Animal Hospital in Albany, they don't usually take rabbits but they did a good job with our Cutie Pie. Hope he feels better soon.

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