Raccoon (2) showed up during the day!

My neighbors have a shop/garage right next to the property line that has an attic area the just stands wide open (picture a barn loft with a big opening in the side) there is a whole family of raccoons that life up there. I see them coming and going all the time. The neighbors do not care but it sure worries me. Even when I am gone during the daytime I worry that somehow they will want a snack and come over and get one of my girls so I know how you feel..I would worry too.
Raccoon, especially where their territory includes `unimproved' areas abutting `human heavy' terrain, will forage at whatever hour will yield the greatest `take'. Columbia, MO is a College town with plenty of parkland and streams. A series of `burglaries', in student housing (some years back) occurred between 2-4 in the afternoons-students in class-ripped out screens and Captain Crunch scattered hither and yon. Cops recognized raccoon scat and the suspects were trapped and disposed of.

We've retired two raccoon's, on daytime schedules, out in the boonies. Very healthy. One was trying to enter run by moving from tree outside run to tree inside run (branch wouldn't support wt. - had a hard time backing up and made for an easy shot). The other mortally wounded an RP jenny that was working two nests (sneaky girl). I placed trap at nest site in woodline and heard it slam shut while we were working in yard. Sure enough, One in the afternoon (opened coon up - RP feathers/egg shells - was the right culprit). Raccoon's that move slow, seem inattentive or otherwise `off' should be avoided/shot immediately/reported to authorities.

Place a couple of live traps on most likely approaches to run (at some distance, however). Raccoon, here, always go for the easiest meal.
You might consider electric fencing, as well.

Good luck!
Raccoons out during the day don't nevessarily mean they're sick, the chance is just heightened. If woken during the day for whatever reason, they'll be out during the day.
Raccoons that carry distemper, rabies and other transmittable diseases will also be out during the day. Watching behavior is key to telling them apart.
I've had many seperate instances where I've seen raccoons out during the day, mostly in my yard. One was walking around acting normal, when it saw me it ran. I figured this one wasn't sick, but I still shot and disposed of it anyways. Another one was walking in circles and shaking violently, which I knew was sick. I went up to it with my gun and it didn't run or anything, once I got about 6 feet away it went up the nearest tree(to the best of its ability) and I shot that one too.
Not only do they carry diseases easily transmittable to humans and other animals, they are prone to carrying parasites too, usually spread through the poop. I shoot every single raccoon I see, no exceptions. They are considered pests( at least where I live) and you're allowed to shoot them on sight if they are or about to cause damage to anything on your property.
I'd shoot them personally, but if you don't want to shoot them, trap them or something. They will be back I can guarantee it.
Most worry AFTER its too late.Coons can carry all kinds of stuff contagous to pets and humans.Worst being RABIES.I would say its time to thin out.If you are gonna trap,best baits are marshmellows,peanutbutter,sardines,dogfood,etc.They eat it all.
Grandpa roo is so right! Ever watch monsters inside me? Think: ROUNDWORMS
I can only imagine the load of worms the coons were dropping before I thinned them out.Get a trap and set it out often to see what is roaming at night.
It's not just racoons, I have seen a fox in a suburban setting wandering up the street in the middle of the day. Add hawks and the neighbour's dogs. I don't know anybody in my neighbourhood who didn't have some or all of their chickens taken, some during the day, some during the night. Therefore it's best to build an enclosure that's as safe as possible, unless you want to come home to dead chickens.
If I had a raccoon bothering my chickens during the day or night they would pay for it! First thing is to call animal control officer , 2nd thing would be to bring out the heavy artillery! Safe chickens are better than no chickens. They need our help since we are raising them.
A raccoon didn't seem to be concerned about night time here in Miami. Entered the pen (fairly large area); at a four week old. My wife chased it away. She said it looked very fat. I'm guessing preggers.

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