Raccoon issue!

A live trap and relocation should work fine. They might hiss while in there and when released they generally just run away pretty quick.
I've been trying to decide what to do around the coop and a guy I know is getting rid of 50 pound concrete blocks that I want to put around the coop with chicken wire under that. I just have to figure out what to put in front of the door to the coop do I have access. Of course at night, they will all be locked inside the coop. It's still a worry and we have plenty of raccoons.
I use a 2 by 12 wedged against the human door they can climb up but can't open. The door is 2 inches thick, oak so they can't dig through or if they try I would know in the morning. So far no problem. I also sleep lightly.
Could you get a motion detector with lights and alarm? I think the combination would send them running. Okay I'm a raccoon novice.

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