And nobody has mentioned that the ones in my area have a particular taste for Golden Malrin. The fly bait/killer. Pretty blue crystals that they just eat right up. Rumor has it they only make it 2-3 feet from the dish. Be careful its VERY poisionus to other critters as well. Apparently it has been put inside a trap and this protects it from other more valuable creatures. Please check local ordinances before trying this at home...

And for all the less than knowlegeable firearm people, a .22 short (NOT long rifle!) fired from a gun such as a lever action Marlin or bolt action anything sounds like a door slam. Very quiet.

+1 to the fact that we put too much into our chickens to loose them to such a creature...


edited for firearm info...
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I am a licensed pest control operator in NYS,,,,I would go and get a raccoon havaharts trap, use , cat food or tuna fish, or a semi rancid product from local fish place,,,put it PAST the trip plate in the trap!,and secure the bait in the trap if possible or make it so the target can not pick it up and leave with it, make so it must sit there and eat. , also secure the trap to the ground, once you get it ,,,kill it,,,if it's leagle where you are use a small caliber rifle, if not then fill a garbage can with water and immerse it completely trap and all in the can


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I have not read all of the posts to this topic and I'm not about to get into the philosophical issues. I believe the live trap is a necessary tool for anyone keeping chickens or any animals that native predators would find tasty. I have found the best way to kill the trapped animal is with exhaust from a car or such engine. Throw a tarp over the trap and run a hose from the exhaust to under the tarp. only about five minutes and the critter is permanently "sleeping". It works well on skunks too and they don't release the spray this way either.
As for bait the sweets can work but I find sardines to work better. I maintain two traps around my coop at all times, but I live in a very rural area.
I have a farm, raise chickens, horses, and goats. In the spring and summer I rehab wildlife orphans, fox, raccoons, and squirrels. I release them on my farm and to this day have not lost a chicken yet. They free range in the winter during the day and in the evening while I work in the garden in the summer. I make sure they are locked up tight at night and I don't have to worry about them. If you remove predators and pests, another will take it's place. It's up to us to make sure our chickens have a secure safe place to roost at night. Raccoons can walk all over their house if they want to, but they can't get in and are gone in the morning.
If you can find a used trap, maybe on craigs list... if you have one Coon there will probably be more. I don't like to kill them, I relocate, at least 10 miles away. Out in the woods on a logging road or someplace like that. Make sure that you can lock your birds in a safe coop at night. Good luck!
Where we live, it is illegal to relocate an animal to another area. There is a very substantial fine if caught, so I would check your laws before doing that.
I love all animals IN THEIR PLACE and their place is not my back yard. If they come into my yard and take my livestock I am legally allowed to kill it (and will). The law gives me the right to kill an predator in my yard, if it is interfering with my livestock. Sorry that hurts your sensablities, but it is the law of the land. (where I live anyway, other states may not have the same laws)

The natural thing for wild animals to do is seek food IN THE WILD...my yard is mowed, landscaped and full of buildings....it is not their natural habitat, so they need to be and will be killed on sight in my yard. (They are welcome to eat anything they find in the 35 acre forever wild area behind my house)

My neighbor shot a coyote less than 1/4 acre from his back door. He has chickens and 2 young girls on his property. Are you saying that he doesn't have the right to shoot a predator in his yard because he chooses to have prey animals on the property?


Your state allows you to kill predators if they take your livestock.....hawks, owls and eagles?
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