
If your dogs have gottenin contact with a wild animal such as a racoon even at night......get a RABIES BOOSTER! Precaution! We even have our horses vacinated yearly.
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I think your best bet if your budget is tight is to advertise for help in the Labor Gigs section of the Seattle Craigslist, something like:

"Trapping services needed to humanely trap and dispose of multiple raccoons, looking to barter for payment."

Then, if someone responds and asks, "What do you have to barter?" you may be able to get rid of some stuff you were saving for a garage sale! Good luck.
If your area allows trapping or hunting of Raccoons check your local area for a hunter that likes to coon hunt and allow them access to your property for a few nights to run their dogs and hunt in a few nights your problem will be solved while you sleep and sleep soundly you may
I would try the electric fence Premier 1 has them for chickens as do other Co. I have not tried them as the need has not come up but I know the dog will learn not to mess with the fence so the chickens will to. the power does not need to kill just just sting enough to keep the paws off.
We had 2 raccoons kill about 10 chickens before we put a stop to it. Hubby shot them both and never have lost one since then. It was a sad thing to do, but dangit, those were my babies.
Buy yourself a large crate or find a wood shipping box, and a haveheart trap. Catch these coons and secure them in the box Make sure they have no way to escape. Then search around your area for local trappers who will come buy them from you alot of trappers like to train there dogs with them. and then sell the pelts during pelt season. then the blood isnt on your hands.
I have had good luck with running a radio at night in the coop. I also look the latches with a small padlock. We have one raccoon who tries to get our chickens all the time (I'm not going to lie, it's the cutest, fatest little thing ever) I know I can't kill it. I also know if you kill your current raccoons another will move it. You won't be able to rid your property of them. I lock my girls up promptly at twighlight. The couple times I have been late that fat old raccoon has been there. Luckily he hasn't killed any birds in a few months, the girls know what to do, and the fly the coop.
I came across this article on racoons when we were having my problem with them. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74116.html

you use electric fencing the main problem will be keeping your dog away from it. Maybe you could fence your dog away from the duck area. Our son's dog became terrified of going into our backyard after he let his dog in our backyard once and it encountered the electric fence.
Part of this article is devoted to using electric fencing and chickens, it says they learn to avoid the electric wiring: http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/poultry_equipment.html#fencing

Another common option is to set up a chain link pen. It needs to be covered with something stronger than chicken wire to keep raccoons out.

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