Rain and Bumble foot?


10 Years
Mar 21, 2010
Hi! We have had a bunch of rain...and still have more to come. Saw a hen limping today and found she has at least an infected cut, at most, bumble foot. I am thinking of putting antibiotic ointment on it and wrapping it up. Then doing any necessary surgery after all the rain is done as there is no way I can keep it dry. I have not dealt with this before and would just treat if conditions weren't so wet. Any thoughts for me? Thanks!
Ok, we decided to bring her in and get started. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be a fairly recent cut, but infected. We soaked it for a bit and then put triple antibiotic on it and wrapped. She is now settled down in a dog crate in the house to keep it dry.
Now... Found out that the infected cut is not on the foot she is favoring. The only sign of injury I can see is something that may be a bruise on a toe. I will try to post pics tomorrow to see if anyone can see something I am missing. Thanks again!
Oh, she is a 1 1/2 year old barred rock. They have a 6x9 coop and a 50x50 run covered with a net. Run has electric fence outside. There is grass and weeds in the run, but it is pretty muddy right now.
So I gave her a bath today to try and clean up her feet and her bum was a little yucky. Her cut foot looks some better, re wrapped that and examined the other foot. I could not find a thing except for the dark spot I mentioned before. Didn't feel anything and she didn't seem to mind me messing with it, however, she did mostly keep it pulled to her body.
See pics....


Thank you for any advise!

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