Rain Rain Go Away


11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
NW Ohio
Small rant

I am seriously getting tired of all the rain this spring. My pool is still green. We have always been able to be in the pool before Memorial Day. Not this year. I will just make a dent in it and then it rains for 3 days.

We were supposed to pick up our chickens this week. But our run isn't finished the area is sogged. We have today through Friday to get everything finished, because AGAIN it is supposed to rain all weekend....

Seriously, I am considering investing in an Ark....

End rant
I feel your pain. Same in NE Tx. My chickens are learning to swim. The only thing worse than all that water in your yard is when it's in the house! Woke up to about 1" or so inside on Mother's Day. NOT what I'd planned to spend my day on. Am now running the air conditioners in an attempt to dry everything out without mold developing.

Hope you get finished before it starts raining again.

Edited for typo.
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WOW!!RAIN Whats that??
We here in SE,Louisiana are desperately wanting rain.
Its at least a month things are dieing. The Dust is awful and its HOT!! How did you get rain? Send some our way down south.

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