

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
near Rochester, NY
Do ya'll let your chickens out in the rain? Yesterday we had a 50/60 degree day with light misting rain. We opened up the coop to let the girlies free range and they stayed out alllll day and really looked pretty wet by the end of the day.

Now, I'm not calling my hens dumb, but ummm are they smart enough to know when to come inside from the rain??... or are we best off not letting them out in the rain....or am I just being over protective and will the rain not really cause any harm to them?

This is our first spring with the chickens and so I just have no idea and want to keep them happy and healthy. Thanks ahead of time for any wisdom you can share!
My coop is half covered. Meaning it has a roof on one side of it but the other is open. That way my chickens can choose whether they want to get wet or not, but I dont know what to say about free range chickens...
Chickens can get wet, don't worry. They shouldn't catch their death by playing in the rain.

That expression, "madder than a wet hen" Is, I believe, when someone tries to break a broody off her nest with a hose - it really makes them mad! But when they get wet themselves, they're happy - go figure:D
When I started free ranging my chickens, the first time it rained on them they were SURE it was something that was going to kill them and they ran into the run until the rain was over. Now, they ignore it unless it rains really hard. I would make sure they still have a nice and dry space to get to when it's raining. When everything else is wet they go into their run to dust bathe.
My chickens LOVE the rain! Or maybe they are just to dumb to know that they are soaking wet. My 4 girls free range in the back yard all day long. They do have access to shelter which they will seek on occasion, but generally they spend the day looking for bugs and worms.
How old are they? I had one young cock last year get sick from being in the rain.Fortunately,he recovered. My older chickens stay under cover if it's raining hard but if it's sprinkling they walk around in it.They do fine.
My chickens go out in the rain, snow, sleet. It doesn't hurt them. We may love them as pets, but they are in fact livestock.
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I keep my run covered so they are not living in the mud but have no problem letting them go running around in the rain and getting wet, they seem to like it.

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