Rainbow Bridge and the Great Coop Beyond

RIP Chessie, the sweetest Sultan hen alive! You will be so very greatly missed!

Poor Chessie, my sweet Sultan hen, got pulled into the dog pen today, and sadly, got killed. Our stupid fifteen year old rat terriers killed her and dragged her into the doghouse to eat her. She was such a wonderful hen. I am crying my eyes out right now. Just this morning when I went out to feed the chickens, I saw her. She hopped up in my lap and cuddled with me. She ate grain and bread from my hand. I loved her so much. She was so pretty, and so sweet! I hate those stupid dogs so much! I wish I had a shotgun! If I had a shotgun, we would have stopped losing beloved pet hens a LONG time ago!!!!!!!! If only I had a shotgun...! I would seriously kill those dogs! I hate them so much!

RIP Chessie, my sweet beloved hen.

I could never get a facial shot of her. I loved her so much... RIP my dear, sweet baby.
Oh no! I am so very sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful hen. I understand the shock of seeing your baby alive one moment and then gone so suddenly. I lost one hen to our neighbor's dog who got out of their yard and into ours. I heard my little girl screaming and ran outside just in time to see her being carried off. My neighbors were apologetic, but I still wanted to wring that dog's neck with my bare hands!

I wish that there was something I could say to make you feel better, but I know that you are angry and in pain right now. Please hang in there. You spent a wonderful morning sharing some special time with her. Try to think about those times when you feel sad.

Again, I am so sorry. Sending you lots of hugs...
Oh no! I am so very sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful hen. I understand the shock of seeing your baby alive one moment and then gone so suddenly. I lost one hen to our neighbor's dog who got out of their yard and into ours. I heard my little girl screaming and ran outside just in time to see her being carried off. My neighbors were apologetic, but I still wanted to wring that dog's neck with my bare hands!

I wish that there was something I could say to make you feel better, but I know that you are angry and in pain right now. Please hang in there. You spent a wonderful morning sharing some special time with her. Try to think about those times when you feel sad.

Again, I am so sorry. Sending you lots of hugs...
Thanks, Abbey. You made me feel much better, although I cried when I read that. I still miss her. The coop seems so empty without her.
My condolences and
to the others that have also experienced recent losses of their flocks. Its so hard to raise them from chicks/ducklings and then watch them pass or become the victim of a predatory attack.

Its that time of year again when the natural prey animals are beginning to spend more time in their burrows/nests and the predators have become brave. This weekend I looked out my kitchen window to see my Muscovy drakes "rubber necking" at something outside the fenced coop. Curious to see what they were so interested in, I saw a juvenile hawk plucking the feathers off of my daughter's booted bantam, Pebbles. I ran out the door screaming at the hawk as if the hen were alive or salvageable...to no avail. The hawk had very efficiently broken poor Pebbles neck
To say I was mad is an understatement. I cursed that hawk like a sailor and stood guard over our flock as I chased the remaining ducks into the shelter with the rest of our flock (who must've taken cover from the aerial attack). Then I cried as I inspected my poor bantam, not a scratch on her

My DH and I went to Lowes and purchased 1400' of wildlife netting and zip tied it to the top of our run in the sleeting/raining bitterly cold afternoon for hours. So far, so good....we have seen the hawk return, but no more casualties. I believe my next purchase will be a CO2 paintgun for the aerial predators **RIP dear Pebbles, your jaunty way of walking and minature eggs will be missed by our daughter, Natalie **

Pebbles is the hen to the far right in this photo.
Noble Rooster I do hope you told your vet how insensitive his secretary was in dealing with you. She needs
and some sensitivity training. How very callus. I'm so sorry.
My condolences and
to the others that have also experienced recent losses of their flocks. Its so hard to raise them from chicks/ducklings and then watch them pass or become the victim of a predatory attack.

Its that time of year again when the natural prey animals are beginning to spend more time in their burrows/nests and the predators have become brave. This weekend I looked out my kitchen window to see my Muscovy drakes "rubber necking" at something outside the fenced coop. Curious to see what they were so interested in, I saw a juvenile hawk plucking the feathers off of my daughter's booted bantam, Pebbles. I ran out the door screaming at the hawk as if the hen were alive or salvageable...to no avail. The hawk had very efficiently broken poor Pebbles neck
To say I was mad is an understatement. I cursed that hawk like a sailor and stood guard over our flock as I chased the remaining ducks into the shelter with the rest of our flock (who must've taken cover from the aerial attack). Then I cried as I inspected my poor bantam, not a scratch on her

My DH and I went to Lowes and purchased 1400' of wildlife netting and zip tied it to the top of our run in the sleeting/raining bitterly cold afternoon for hours. So far, so good....we have seen the hawk return, but no more casualties. I believe my next purchase will be a CO2 paintgun for the aerial predators **RIP dear Pebbles, your jaunty way of walking and minature eggs will be missed by our daughter, Natalie **

Pebbles is the hen to the far right in this photo.
I hope the netting works for you!!!! It's terrible when things like that happen!!!!
Noble Rooster I do hope you told your vet how insensitive his secretary was in dealing with you. She needs
and some sensitivity training. How very callus. I'm so sorry.
Hi Drumstick Diva,

Unfortunately I wasn't really in a state to mention it to the vet at the time but will if I have a chance in the future. It was too bad that that interaction was the first I had with the establishment because everyone else I dealt with there was so genuinely kind and understanding. Makes you wonder how/why she ended up working in an animal hospital though...
We just lost our dear sweet White Brahma to an oppossum after losing 2 other chicks to it earlier this week... Sharky was the leader of our flock and our dearest girl. She will be missed more than words can express.


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