Rainbow Dixie or Americana?


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2016

My poor little chick didn't make it. Does anybody know which kind it is? I'm thinking it's an Americana it Rainbow Dixie? Out others we got are Red Ranger, ISA BR, Silver laced & gold laced and Jersey Giants
I can't see the face or legs, which would be the differentiating characteristics - what color were the legs and did it have fluffy cheeks or was it's face feathered more like the other chicks?

Meant to add -- I am so sorry for your loss.
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Sorry to hear about the chick. I have 3 Rainbow Dixie chicks - the farm manager at the store assured me that they are all pullets and she seems knows her stuff so far - and they do not look like that at all. Maybe a different strain? I got mine at Runnings, don't recall the hatchery they got them from.
Here's pictures of the face. Legs are yellow. We got them from Hoovers Hatchery & picked them up at Ag Partners...but we've only been able to identify our Jersey Giants & Silver Laced.


Dixie Rainbows are a "breed" that has a lot of variation in the appearance of chicks and adults -- this bird does not have any obvious characteristics of being an Easter Egger (hatchery Ameraucana).
I'm leaning more towards a Rainbow as none of the other chicks looked the same as this one

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