Raised beds in Chicken run?

Sorry, I still can't get the hang of this reply stuff! What mix of grasses and broad-leaved greens and weeds do you use?
You can make up your own from separate seed mixes.

But I buy bags of premixed seeds.

Look for 'Chicken Forage Mix', for example.

Here are some examples

I let them grow for 3 months, then lift up the grazing frame and let the chickens have at it. Once it is bare dirt, I add an inch or two of soil, reseed and replace the grazing frame.

Good luck!
Welcome to BYC!
Do you mean raised beds for growing vegetable?
You'd need to cover them so the chooks wouldn't tear them up.

Maybe you mean grazing frames, to provide them with some greenery to eat but not scratch into oblivion?
This oughta get you started http://www.thegardencoop.com/blog/2012/02/07/grazing-frames-backyard-chickens/

I found that I like to cover the edges of the fencing/mesh tho to deter foot punctures,
Like the top frame shown here, I ripped a half inch off 2x4 then screwed it on to hold and cover edges of mesh

There ya go @bento !
Yep, you can move the grazing frames and replant them.
I do, once the thatch gets too thick and/or the plants stop growing.
That's is a great idea. Can you pick that up and move it around or is it in a permanent location?

As others have said, you can pick them up.
I attached handles to them because

*every so often, I lift them up to get debri off of them that the chickens kick up.
*after 3-4 months, I actually flip the frame over, let the chickens 'have at it', and then replant. I often do this if I will be away; even though I have someone
checking on them, it adds some fun for them.

To replant, I scratch up the remnants, and throw on an inch or so of new soil, then top off with seeds, and lightly scratch them in.
I am very happy with the grazing frames in the new chicken run. Although I used pressure treated studs, I gave each two coats of redwood stain, as I did throughout the exterior of the hen house and run for eye appeal. Using 1" x 1" welded wire was also a good decision for me and my hens. We built two frames of 8' x 24" and later added another 7.5'. Rain water from the tarp cover goes right into the grazing frames, but, they are also easy to water when needed from outside the run. About once a week or two, I raise them p and use a child's rake to remove any poop or excess dirt/sand deposited by chickens or their scratching! I encourage anyone who has penned chickens to consider providing these green spaces for their flock for consumption and enrichment.




For greater detail, see my blog page, http://chick-a-doodles.blogspot.com/p/grazing-frames.html

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