Raising a Bobwhite with Coturnix??

If you hand raise the bobwhite chick it can grow up to be very tame. I had a male bobwhite whose mate died. We couldn't get him another mate, but he did fine in an aviary with golden pheasants, california quails and japanese quails. He didn't like them much when he had his mate, but he got along well with the japanese quails after his mate died. However, it's generally not advised to keep the two species together because bobwhites are usually aggressive and territorial. Like many situations, it depends on the individual birds.

Japanese quails take 6-8 weeks to mature, whereas bobwhites mature at 16 weeks but don't start laying until later. If you are planning to raise them together, they will grow at different rates, meaning heat needs will probably need to be different too.

Somebody else with more experience in raising bobwhites may be able to give you more advice.
Thanks! I have a couple mixed thoughts on this little guy (or girl)...
1. Try to keep Bob with these guys as long as possible and when they start to get too big and need significantly different environments, separate out into his own cage then attempt to reintroduce Bob when s/he can hold their own if s/he turns out to be a lady. I have a 2 cage system currently, our mature egg laying ladies in one, the brooder in the other that will convert to a grow out pen. We cull the extra roos. Because we live in the city we dont keep the roos past butcher age.
2. Separate Bob completely and raise as a true pet. S/he will have very different needs than our coturnix it seems. And s/he already survived the fate of being a hunting dog training tool. Maybe try to find a friend when we know if Bob is male or female.
3. My husband wants to throw Bob in the grow out pen when old enough and just see what happens and put it at the top of the cull list, male or female. We usually keep our ladies about 2 years from each batch.

I should also note that my husband is currently deployed so whatever I decide is what "we" decide to do with Bob... even if there is a difference of opinion 😉
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