Raising a disabled chick-- enrichment and mobility ideas/suggestions?

The amount of research and follow-through you have done to help Eepie live her best life possible is incredible. And the links you included will help others better know how to care for their own disabled chickens. She is very lucky to have you, and it is clear from your post that she repays you by giving you great joy. I look forward to future updates, and be sure to include pictures! @triciayoung come read this thread, and look at how much info to help disabled chickens is included in post #10!
Hey everyone! I have an 8 day old chick in my care who is experiencing neurological issues that prevent them from walking. I believe it's along the lines of crazy chick disease(details in my post history if interested). I was wondering if any of you folks have experience with disabled chickens and what you do to help them with enrichment and/or mobility? Even just what you guys do to help keep them comfortable? I want to give them the best life I possibly can.

They're making slow but steady progress in balancing and have even taken a few steps independently- huge progress from where we were at day 1.

I have tried making them a chick chair and a sling but they hate it and try to escape it to the point where it's dangerous to have them try to use it. I made a wheelchair of sorts out of Legos(lol) and they're kind of getting used to that but seem to prefer trying to walk on their own. I have begun taking them outside to forage and explore in the grass and they love it. I've seen a lot of progress with them balancing/walking/developing fine motor control just from taking them outside. Doing some chicky PT and having them in the grass seems most effective thus far. Otherwise I have them hanging out on a big dog bed near me with towels and access to food or in my lap.

Tonight I'm heading to Petsmart to get them a small covered kitten bed so they can safely be with me on my desk (fully supervised). I am going to try spreading some crumble in the grass to help with foraging also. Any other suggestions for things I could get for them/do to help keep them comfortable and happy? Do chickens like normal bird toys? lol
Thank you all for the kind words!! They mean a lot to me.
I'm very happy to have Eepie. It's been so rewarding to see her flourish and enjoy life. I think she's helped me enjoy my life more, too, honestly.

This forum has been so welcoming, informative, and helpful. It has had a huge positive impact on mine and Eepie's journey together. I'd like to be able to give back to the community and any future members like myself by sharing what I know.

I was thinking of making a dedicated thread soon about the things that I've found and figured out for her to help others, as I'm not sure continued updates and information sharing would be appropriate in this subforum. I do have more information I'd like to share, like some of the tests the avian vet did during her examination, where to find mobility aids + their price range, etc.
Any idea what subforum that would go best in?

Thanks again everyone ❤️
I was thinking of making a dedicated thread soon about the things that I've found and figured out for her to help others, as I'm not sure continued updates and information sharing would be appropriate in this subforum. I do have more information I'd like to share, like some of the tests the avian vet did during her examination, where to find mobility aids + their price range, etc.
Any idea what subforum that would go best in?
I think that since she is still a chick, any info you provide is still very appropriate here. Later on, the "Pictures and Stories of My Chickens" forum is one place you could create a dedicated thread. When you do so, providing a link to this thread will be valuable and important. Your question is why I hope a special needs forum is eventually added to this site. I have a hen that lost both feet to frostbite 2+ years ago. Like you, I found the support and advice I received from fellow members to be incredible. But after her stumps healed, it didn't feel right to continue to post updates on the Emergencies forum, same as if you continue to post updates here after Eepie reaches adulthood. But until then, I think more updates and info on this thread are fine.

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