Raising and caring for ducklings

What kind of snacks do ducks have a weakness for? Preferably ones from the kitchen so I don't have to buy more products. I'm so used to chickens that I'm still kind of figuring this out, and we'd like to find a food they can't resist so that they'll be a little more human inclined. :) Thanks!
Take a look at the Sticky on Duck Treats. Long list!

I also find sprouted wheat berries to be a big favorite - Just soak them overnight and rinse them twice a day. After two or three days they have sprouted.
Wow, reall
Take a look at the Sticky on Duck Treats. Long list!

I also find sprouted wheat berries to be a big favorite - Just soak them overnight and rinse them twice a day. After two or three days they have sprouted.
I'll look at the sticky, thanks. :)

Really, sprouted wheat? I did exactly that the other day (I do it for the hens already) and they completely ignored it! I was kind of bummed, I thought that would be a hit. They're 4 weeks old, if that makes a difference, but I don't know why it would...their beaks are plenty big enough to handle it. :)
I started giving my ducks fodder a few months ago - with about 3 inches of green. They went wild for it. Since then I have noticed they really love the seeds, so I don't let it go as long before giving it to them. But perhaps giving it to them a few days older, with so much green is what got them hooked.
Just became the owner of 2 Pekin Ducklings. I have made their duck run, but not sure what to use as the flooring. Was interested in using artificial grass instead of pea gravel or hay. What's your thought on it? I have put a 3" layer of sand down, with a layer of heavy weed cloth and now need to cover it. Is 2"x3" welded wire good for the outside fencing?How often and how much should you feed to ducks or just leave food out 24/7? So excited to start this adventure with my ducks. Thank you for any suggestions.


Just wanted to share my babies. These are my first ducklings, they are about a week old now and doing great! It seems like every time I look at them they get bigger, lol

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