Raising and caring for ducklings


I found what I think is a baby mallard in a muddy puddle at the edge of my property today. I watched it for about 2 hours as it was peeping away. Mama duck was nowhere to be found. Needless to say I ran out and purchased duck starter/grower food. He/she is now in a large plastic tote with food and water. I purchased cedar shavings...then found this site and realized that was my first mistake. The remainder of the day I kept him/her in the tote in my screened porch, thinking mama might hear the peeps and come investigate...nope.

With all that being said, I want to take care of this little cutie, but I'm afraid I might do more harm than good. Is there anything I'm missing...other than the bedding screw up? Oh, and anyone have any idea how old he/she might be?
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Okay, so his bedding has been changed to pine, his food is Dumor starter/grower. Access to food and water is 24/7 and a stuffed animal was added for comfort.

I also bought a small animal pen to give some supervised yard and swim time with half the pen in the sun and the other half in shade.

Okay, so his bedding has been changed to pine, his food is Dumor starter/grower. Access to food and water is 24/7 and a stuffed animal was added for comfort.

I also bought a small animal pen to give some supervised yard and swim time with half the pen in the sun and the other half in shade.
Your making a fine duck mama especially on such short notice, I'd go ahead and get some Brewers yeast to add to his feed just in case he may need more of the B vitamins than the dumor provides since it's for chickens. 1Tab to 1 cup of feed. Nice setup too.

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