Raising and caring for ducklings

So today is day 21 and lock down is approaching my little duckling is doing great and is in position with his head under his wings the egg is getting heavier and all looks well. I want to put together my brooder box anyone have any good ideas for this? Can I use a large Rubbermaid tub? Can I use a regular light bulb as I did for incubation? What temp should it be to keep my duckling warm? And advise as in how to do this? And how long do I have to keep the duckling in there?
Dumore also make a Poultry feed for chicks, ducks, geese, etc. You don't have to add Brewers yeast that way. I raised my six on it and they are thriving at 3 months old. Your little guy is a lucky one to have found you. Like was mentioned before, you may want to get him a buddy. They do so much better with a living friend. Does not have to be the same breed. Just another duck.
Dumore also make a Poultry feed for chicks, ducks, geese, etc. You don't have to add Brewers yeast that way. I raised my six on it and they are thriving at 3 months old. Your little guy is a lucky one to have found you. Like was mentioned before, you may want to get him a buddy. They do so much better with a living friend. Does not have to be the same breed. Just another duck.
I like your farm blog.
Thanks. Just wish I had more time to write more. Seems like a little farm is a lot of work. My birds keep me pretty busy as do the dogs. But I am having more fun and am more at peace than almost 50 years of working in an office in the city.
Well you said alot and I enjoyed so much hearing about your dogs and how you came to adopt them, I can relate to how busy we can get but I can also vouch for the fact that even with all the work my flock gives me I wouldn't trade it for the world, maybe you can share more pics of your flock I love pics as do much of the members here.
Dumore also make a Poultry feed for chicks, ducks, geese, etc. You don't have to add Brewers yeast that way. I raised my six on it and they are thriving at 3 months old. Your little guy is a lucky one to have found you. Like was mentioned before, you may want to get him a buddy. They do so much better with a living friend. Does not have to be the same breed. Just another duck.

Ok, that is good to know. The Dumor I purchased is the one you describe. I am trying to find him a friend because it makes me sad to see him peeping and staring at the mirror I gave him. My local TSC doesn't have anymore ducklings for sale.
Ok, that is good to know. The Dumor I purchased is the one you describe. I am trying to find him a friend because it makes me sad to see him peeping and staring at the mirror I gave him. My local TSC doesn't have anymore ducklings for sale.
BYC has a buy sell tread thread also a rehoming thread and craigslist might be another source.
Hey everyone. My Cayuga hatched her eggs yesterday and we have 11 beautiful blue Swedish/ Cayuga mixed babies ( and some with crests like dad)
I go over and look at them and talk gently to them ... What else can I do to get them to recognize me as the caregiver ? I just don't want them to be skittish and run away and at day 2 now is the time to lay the groundwork. Also, mom still has 4 eggs under her.... How long do I wait for them ???

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