Raising and caring for ducklings

at 3/12 weeks old he's probably still in the house right/ could he have picked up anything off the floor? just don't know what the blister is about could he have gotten burned accidentally? [blister]
I had one a few years ago with a blister like that and am pretty sure he burned it on the heat lamp (he grew so fast I wasn't aware he could reach it) - it healed ok
I had one a few years ago with a blister like that and am pretty sure he burned it on the heat lamp (he grew so fast I wasn't aware he could reach it) - it healed ok
Thanks so much Nyssa that is something to consider, especially the temps too , too high can make them sick and even kill them. at 3.5 weeks temps should around 75*.
I am feedung him starter only. Bought from breeder. Did let them wonder around for an hour without supervisión. Just got him drinking vitiams today.

Try watering down the food, perhaps if you can get some food in him if he's gotten something bad it will process right out of him..

Since you are able to get him to drink maybe he'll eat if it's really loose...

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