Raising and caring for ducklings

So sorry to hear about little Ozzie

Nugget went to his forever home today! A beautiful farm out in the middle of no where, about 25-30 mins from me..where there are no interstates!! (haha) he now has alot of friends to make out there! Mostly chickens but seems to really enjoy the cats company the most. As much as I cried today (and even tears in my eyes now as I type), I know he has the most perfect home a duck could ask for! His new owner has raised ducks on and off since she was little, so she definitely knows how to raise him.

So, thanks all who have filled me with so much knowledge in these past 2 weeks! I'll try to remember to post pics when I get them of Nugget! Take care everyone!
Thank you for going the extra mile for Nugget and also finding him what sounds like an awesome home, Look forward to seeing pics.
O.K. Here I go again. You all have heard of chicken math? Well I had that in the winter and a desire for 5 hens for eggs turned into 24 hens and 1 rooster. Did you know that there is also DUCK MATH? I have six ducks currently. One is a female Cayuga and she is a really pretty, funny, friendly little girl. So much so that I started developing the desire for another Cayuga or two. Well duck math took hold and I have ordered 15 female and 3 male Cayuga ducklings which will ship on the 11th and be here on the 12th.

I know what to do but I do have some questions. First, weather here in West/Central Texas has been (and will be for a while) in the mid to high 60's at night and in the mid 90's during the day. I am going to be brooding the ducklings in the duck pen this time and was wondering it they will need additional heat at night. I doubt they will need it during the day and they may even be too warm. If so, how do I cool them off?

Since they will be in a brooder in the duck pen and my adult ducks will be able to see and hear them at what age do you think I can safely introduce them in the duck run? I am thinking about 5-6 weeks but I know a lot depends on their size at that time.

I will be feeding them chick starter with brewers yeast added for the first 8-10 weeks or so and then moving them to Purina Flock Raiser with the rest of my flock (chickens, ducks and geese). They will, when old enough, have about an acre to free range on along with the other birds. This season that includes not only the grasses but a plentiful supply of baby grass hoppers, black beetles and crickets. Everyone else seems to think that is just fine. Can they forage like the adults when they are just babies?

If all goes well this time next year I will have a plentiful supply of little Cayugas and Khaki Campbells running around (as well as maybe a gosling or two).

Once they get here and get settled pictures will be posted.....of course.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Help! My duck just pooped this frothy white stuff ! What could cause that. It seems to be just fine , running around eating drinking just like all the other ones( we have six and they are almost three weeks old) we have them with chicks that are a month old. They have a duck and chicken raiser feed with niacin added to it. They get fresh water every day. What could be happening?!
Did it just happen once or is it poop now like that all the time? I'd just keep an eye on it if it's only happend once. Sometimes the poops are just different then other times. Drinking more water or heat or just growing. I wouldn't worry to much unless it keeps pooping like that.
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Well they all got here just fine. A day early but at least I didn't have to wait. I have decided to brood indoors where I can control the temp better. It is supposed to be 98 today and I am just afraid they would get too warm otherwise. There are 18 total, three males and 15 females. Two are crested. All seem to be in great health, not fearful at all and full of energy. They are very friendly and kept trying to crawl up onto me while I put them in the brood pen. They all started drinking and eating right away so they may actually be older that a day but that is just fine with me.

Everyone please pray for their good health and speedy growth. In a few weeks (5-6) they will join the six adult ducks that we already have. After a week or two indoors they will move out to the duck pen where they will be in a stall set up just for them and they will be able to see and hear the adults and vice-a-versa which, I hope, will make integrating them easier when the time comes.

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