Raising and caring for ducklings

Hi, my kakhi Campbell decided to go broody in early Dec. why in the world would she go broody then??? I live in Georgia, but still gets cold here at night. So sad to say that mama duck was killed by predator, she ws protecting her nest. When I found it the next morning I scooped up the eggs and put them in the incubator. So....yesterday I had 6 babies hatch. They are so darn cute, but I'm really not anxious to raise these babies. Realizing it will be probably 8 weeks brooding. But, they are sweet and here goes my attempt to raise these little guys. Wish me luck!:rolleyes:
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So sorry to hear about the mom! I know very well that it gets cold in the south. I lived in S.C. for 4 years. I live in Idaho now. Do you have a drake? My khaki laid eggs but I don't think they were fertilized. I think the drake and female are related. my drake only mounts my buffs. Never my other drake.
I have a large pond with two male mallards. They seem somewhat domesticated since they come up to us when we get home and beg for food. They stay only in our large yard and pond other than walking next door occasionally. We would like to get them some females, but I'm not sure if we can raise female ducks and introduce them to these more wild males. We have lived here for year and a half and the males will now eat out of my hand.
I have a large pond with two male mallards. They seem somewhat domesticated since they come up to us when we get home and beg for food. They stay only in our large yard and pond other than walking next door occasionally. We would like to get them some females, but I'm not sure if we can raise female ducks and introduce them to these more wild males. We have lived here for year and a half and the males will now eat out of my hand.
Welcome to BYC!

Hey all!

I'm expecting a shipment of ducklings on the 11th of February, and I'm wondering if you guys could help me figure out if I have everything I need. I have:

*brooder - my old chinchilla cage with high solid walls and tiny openings that the cats can't fit their paws in, large enough for the first few weeks at least
*heat lamp - can easily clamp on the cage
*chick waterer and feeder from TSC
*pine shavings
*brewers yeast - left over from when my fiancé brews his own wine, lol
*sav-a-chick brand electrolyte and probiotic supplements to add in their water (can these be used with the Brewers yeast?)
*starter feed - I don't have it yet because I didn't want to get it so soon and have it be old or outdated when they got here, but I know where to get it

And that's it so far. Anything else I should get?

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