Raising and caring for ducklings

What is good for free rage ducks especaily indian white fawn ducks to nest in or a good habatat? Im considering getting indian runner duckling or hatching own.
Do you mean free range 24/7 are just during the day? they will need a secure house to be locked into at night or you won't have your ducks for long even on a pond. In my ducks houses they have lots of nice fluffy shavings to make their nest in and lay eggs.
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Do you mean free range 24/7 are just during the day? they will need a secure house to be locked into at night or you won't have your ducks for long even on a pond. In my ducks houses they have lots of nice fluffy shavings to make their nest in and lay eggs.
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And I use hay and/or pine shavings for the adults...

Something predator-proof.

Free range in day when I home and lock up safe at night.
Well free range is nice but depends on your set up, will they have a large area to free range in will it be fenced? there are always risks with free ranging but alot of us do it. Mine free range over a half acre fenced and sometimes when home I do open the gate and let them go further. but you have to take into consideration there will be predators in the day and night and you can lose them, you just have to decide for yourself. When I open the gate I stay outside with them. As for nesting provide a out of the way corner you can lay a piece of scrap board up against the wall and secure it they like to get under things to lay just make it comfy and large enough they get get into it safely. with bedding and they will lay their eggs in there hopefully but you may find you'll need to let them out later in the morning so they do lay inside other than around the homestead. Mine are so use to laying in their houses they will seek them out if they haven't laid by the time I let them out in the morning.
Another thing to consider, which I have learned the hard way from free ranging over several years, is that free range really means free. There may come a time when you do not want your ducks in a certain area. Say for instance, you will be hosting a lovely Saturday afternoon luncheon. (I just made that up). You won't want your guests walking in duck poo. So in that way, having a fenced in area is better. And predator-proof is best.
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From the OP, "Ducklings should be fed starter feed with 18-20% protein for the first two weeks. " So after the first two weeks what should they get, should I stop giving them the Mazuri Waterfowl Starter and put them on maintenance?

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