Raising Buddies: Hatches from 05/15/12 - 06/05/12?

Good to hear from you! I lost 1 hatchery baby for no reason I could come up with and 1 Hatched baby to pasty butt. Other than that they are doing really well. Yesterday I almost lost the first chicken I ever owned to heat stroke. She was totally out of it and non-responsive when I got home, I had to drag her out from under the hen house and she was just as limp as can be. We cooled her off with water and I put her under a fan before bed she was still totally unresponsive, I was pretty sure she would not make it through the night, but woke up this morning and she was sitting in the dog carrier I put her in. She is still not "all there", but at least she ate and drank. That heat was just to much yesterday and to quick, it was only supposed to be 102 but ended up at 109.

How are you doing? How are you keeping your cool?

Also, out of my 2 White Plymouth Pullets (hatchery birds) 1 is a roo!!!!
My chicks from the hatch along you made rachael, i had 6 hatch, 2 have died already. And 1 has a crossed beak! It is so cool. She s one of the fattest chickens in their so she isnt having a problem eating. So im doing good.
hi! my chicks hatched 6/01 and they're enormous already!! i'll post pics as soon as i can... i can't believe how fast they grow up!

I know! Here are my Barnie babies at 3 weeks. These are all eggs I hatched myself.

See the roo in the back? Set of 4

Set of 5
My chicks from the hatch along you made rachael, i had 6 hatch, 2 have died already. And 1 has a crossed beak! It is so cool. She s one of the fattest chickens in their so she isnt having a problem eating. So im doing good.

I am sorry you lost two, but happy the other 4 are doing well even with a problem.
Nope, not this year. My hubby would kick me outside with them if I did and it is to hot to live in a chicken coop right now
However, when my Barnie girls start to lay I just might change my mind, but that won't be until Nov-Dec at the earliest and it won't be so bad to live in the coop then
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