Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Kids are getting ready to head back to Denver this weekend for Kendra's urology appointment. I hope they can find out what's wrong and get it fixed! She's regressing so fast now that it's frightening me.
Hugs for you
and some for Kendra, Jenny and Kenny, too! Prayers are being said that the doctors can find a plan for Kendra that will allow her more independence and less pain and make her folks' care for her easier.
Jessi, this is great! Animals are awesome at helping. I used to be one of those helpers at the side of a horse back in the 90's, in the small town we lived in..not so small now. Anyway, this older lady had a wonderful indoor area for horses, and she did this a few times a week for special needs kids. Richard couldn't do it. :( His hips were dislocated at birth..never were in. Had the surgeries to get them in the bes they could, but they won't spread far enough to ride a horse.
Your daughter is so cute. :)
Thanks Cyntha. I'm sorry Richard never got a chance to ride. I'm sure his hips have created a number of problems for him over the years. That's got to be so difficult. He sure seems to have a great time in these videos!!!!!! Thanks for sharing them!

The group Jessica rides with are on their 3rd location from when we started going to them. First farm was great, 2nd was HORRIBLE. Now they are at the Brandeis Bardin Campus. It's basically a 3,000 acre working ranch. They have cows, goats, peacocks, and lots of horses. They have kids from all over the world come to their summer camps. Here's the history on the location.


And here is the group she rides with http://www.equestriantherapy.net/home.html

She doesn't ride much any more. They only ride of Sundays, and that's a day she is usually with her dad. She only goes if I take her. I don't take her during our super HOT summers. It's brutal out there. So, we'll start up again this fall.

So many uplifting things to see this morning as I play catch-up! Cynthia, Richard was having a blast in the Pokemon video! At the end, where the cast members are spotlighted and he does a spin in his chair, I paused it - and the face he is making is priceless!! Kind of a cross between "I bad, I bad" and "woot woot!" Love it!

Jessimom, my sister has a horse ranch in South Dakota and I talked to her about maybe getting this going at her place. She has the gentlest mare, "Dizi" and Bev is so doggone patient and good at helping all of our nieces and nephews and all of our grandkids learn to ride. Last year when we were out there she finally got Katie up on a horse, and Katie was scared out of her mind. But Bev has some kind of magic, and this year when we went out Katie not only got to sit on Dizy while Bev led them, but then Bev told her she was ready to take the reins. Katie trusted her and by golly she did it!! Bev still had a lead rope on Dizy, and when she'd tell Katie to guide the horse to the left, Bev kinda got Diz going that way with the lead rope. But after a turn or two, Katie was doing all the guiding and she was so proud of herself. Due to some serious injuries to her hands, Bev can no longer ride like she did, but she's found a new love - teaching - and she's so doggone good at it!
It sounds like it did wonders for your sweet baby and when I enlarged the photos you can see what a blast she's having!

These special camps, and the people who run them, have a big part of my heart, pinebarrens! When the kids picked Katie up from camp this year, the director and counselors saw Kendra (usually when they pick her up I have Kendra here at home) and asked Jenny if Kendra could come next year. They are on the fence about it - Kendra isn't very communicative but physically she's not much different than a lot of the other kids there. I suggested that they wait, see how much she continues to improve her verbal skills, and how the Mitrofanoff issues finally resolve. Charles Campbell Children's Camp has nurses there, as well as folks who are trained and work with kids with all kinds of disabilities, and the videos the camp posts show a lot of kids with more severe problems than Kendra has. So we'll see. It's great that the counselor came out to your place and met the chickens. That photo is priceless!

Kids are getting ready to head back to Denver this weekend for Kendra's urology appointment. I hope they can find out what's wrong and get it fixed! She's regressing so fast now that it's frightening me.
Blooie - Thank you so much!! I'm so glad that Katie ended up having fun. I've seen a lot of kids HATE it at first, but by the end of the first or second ride, they LOVED it. One of the things that the founder of the group Jess rides with was that kids in wheel chairs that ride, can "walk" places their wheelchairs can't take them. It give them a freedom of movement that they don't normally get. I

That is wonderful that you have a camp you are familiar with that you now know would be happy to take Kendra, and she would have Katie there to keep an eye on her!! I'm so sorry she is having so much trouble with this issue. When the kids are in pain and there is nothing we can do, we feel SO helpless. I hope they find a way to make this work!!!!
Richard's Sunday thought today..I really like this one.

Sunday thought: Holding on to past guilt after repenting is not forgiving yourself. It can stop you from having joys in life you wouldn't otherwise have.
Happy Sunday everyone!
Kids are getting ready to head back to Denver this weekend for Kendra's urology appointment. I hope they can find out what's wrong and get it fixed! She's regressing so fast now that it's frightening me.

Keeping you & yours in my thoughts and prayers Blooie
Well, she's having her renal and abdominal ultrasound done as I type. They wanted to do it yesterday at 5:30 pm, (yes, on a Sunday) but even leaving at 4 am the kids just couldn't make it in time. I'll keep updating as I can - I also have an ultrasound scheduled for 12:30 today in Billings for my leg stents and the stent in my heart, then my cardio/vascular checkup, so updates might be sporadic.
Well, she's having her renal and abdominal ultrasound done as I type. They wanted to do it yesterday at 5:30 pm, (yes, on a Sunday) but even leaving at 4 am the kids just couldn't make it in time. I'll keep updating as I can - I also have an ultrasound scheduled for 12:30 today in Billings for my leg stents and the stent in my heart, then my cardio/vascular checkup, so updates might be sporadic.

Blooie, prayers for all of ya'll.....

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