Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

*sigh* Even the people who specialize in working with minds that aren't "normal" still want to label and pigeonhole and quantify as if the "normal" rules apply - you'd really think they'd know better, wouldn't you?

Good job Kendra, and good job Blooie for being clever enough to find a way for Kendra to grow and show off what she knows!
*sigh* Even the people who specialize in working with minds that aren't "normal" still want to label and pigeonhole and quantify as if the "normal" rules apply - you'd really think they'd know better, wouldn't you?

Good job Kendra, and good job Blooie for being clever enough to find a way for Kendra to grow and show off what she knows!

You got that right Bunny.
Blooie, awesome video...go Kendra!
Look what the school put up for Kendra this week - her own disabled parking spot and a special swing for kids with disabilities! She couldn't care less about the parking spot but she sure loves the swing!


lookit the way she is running her hand along the arm rest.......like its her first car, and it's brand new!!!

K definitely has the "my new car" look to her, lol. I like that the swing is big enough, it looks like she won't out-grow it for quite a while. Good job by the school!
lookit the way she is running her hand along the arm rest.......like its her first car, and it's brand new!!!
That's just what she did at first, too! Like it was a shiny new car and she couldn't get enough of marveling and touching it! After that, the squeals started!

She just loved it......she had a rare melt-down when they took her out of it but she'll figure it out.

It was incredible of the district, Debby! Hope it lasts - they had one for another child, Tyler, (who has since moved on to middle school) on the other playground but the bigger kids destroyed it by roughhousing on it. Jenny talked to the principal about that this morning, but she was told that they can't and won't keep other kids from using it. So we'll see. I have never liked this principal, even way back when Jamie and Little Diane were at Rocky Elementary. She has all the compassion of a goat. When Jamie was being bullied and finally had a breakdown in the library about having been abandoned here by his mom, her reaction was, "Well, we all have to live with some disappointments." Yeah, big help! So I went to the school district and councellors (over her head) and she's never forgiven me. She had nothing to do with getting the swing and the space - that was all done over her head by the school district and the IEP team. So if that swing gets torn up, Jenny and I have no problem demanding it's replacement under the Child with Special Needs act, and we'll do it over and over again until they finally have the playground monitors put a stop to the destruction.

In the meantime, what a joy it's going to be for Kendra to play with her classmates at school! They've also ordered a set of parallel bars, sort of like monkey bars but without the crosspieces, and will be installing those at arm height so she can use them to walk from swing to slide, etc, rather than have to be carried or put back in her chair, wheeled over there, then taken out again. With spotting, she's already learned to go up the ladder on the little slide, hold on and get herself seated, then slide down. Of course it means poor Miss Pam has to spot her going up, then get to the platform and spot while Kendra sits, then hightail it to the end of the slide to "catch" her, but she gets such a kick out Kendra being able to do that she doesn't mind a bit.
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That's just what she did at first, too! Like it was a shiny new car and she couldn't get enough of marveling and touching it! After that, the squeals started!

She just loved it......she had a rare melt-down when they took her out of it but she'll figure it out.

if I had a brand new swing, nice as that, I'd be a little upset when they took me out too!!

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