Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Wow, she really is active, and I can't believe she snapped another one! How long does it take you to get a replacement? They should understand that since this is happening so much, they should already have a second pair in the works for her, so when it snaps, it's an instant replacement.

I'm so sorry she needs to go through all that again.

Good luck!!!
At this point if Kendra was mine, I know what I'd do. I'd ditch the tension braces and put her in just her AFOs to protect her ankles, then leave her the heck alone. Yes, her feet cross in the AFOs. But at what point are we risking her safety for no real long term correction? Her feet will always do this...all we are doing with the braces is making it possible for her to walk a little bit without them tripping her. Most kids (and I say MOST, certainly not all) with the spinal lesion located where hers is will wind up using the wheelchair almost exclusively anyway. And a lot of them decide them for themselves when walking just isn't worth the discomfort and effort. She literally has to swing her legs and twist from the hips to walk, and even short walks exhaust her.

I'm wondering...@Cynthia12 at what point did you decide (or did Richard decide) that enough was enough? I'm disheartened for Kendra, and worried about her future bone and muscle health if we keep pushing her to do this.....But I'm not the parents, and I can't call it.
So Ken had shoulder surgery yesterday and they sent him home with one of those little breathing thingies. Kendra found it and sat down on the floor with it. I grabbed the camera, thinking she remembered how to this from when she was in the hospital with pneumonia and I'd record it to show her mom. Boy, was I wrong. That's not what she did at all. She took it apart then used the hose to "cath", the way we do it 5 times a day. Silly, SMART Kendra.

So Ken had shoulder surgery yesterday and they sent him home with one of those little breathing thingies. Kendra found it and sat down on the floor with it. I grabbed the camera, thinking she remembered how to this from when she was in the hospital with pneumonia and I'd record it to show her mom. Boy, was I wrong. That's not what she did at all. She took it apart then used the hose to "cath", the way we do it 5 times a day. Silly, SMART Kendra.
So cute!!
She cathed then she was done...ready to hit the road and go play huh?
Yep, that's how we roll here!
Get the hard part done and then she's off! Actually cathing with the new Mitrofanoff she had done last summer is just about that quick and easy!

So how are you and your family doing? Ready for spring? I heard we are supposed to get spring on August 3, followed by summer on August 4, with winter right behind it. <sigh>
Yep, that's how we roll here!
Get the hard part done and then she's off! Actually cathing with the new Mitrofanoff she had done last summer is just about that quick and easy!

So how are you and your family doing? Ready for spring? I heard we are supposed to get spring on August 3, followed by summer on August 4, with winter right behind it. <sigh>

I'm great.
Getting my colorful egg fix daily.
Thinking about when to get some more! lol

Summer is already here....85 today.
Oh hush! Most of Wyoming is getting snow and high winds tonight. We are not, and I'm glad! I'm OVER winter! Wonder where everyone is? I invited a super nice lady to join us but looks like it's just you and me, Kikis! Sure would like her to meet the rest of the amazing friends we have here, too......
She is catching herself now?? Wow.. This is great! Need prayers for Richard.. going through a real bad UTI. Ended up going to the ER because it was so painful. Had an IV of some strong anti biotic.. then sent home with Bactrim. Pain pills too. A couple of days later..still sick. Went to his dr. Doc got on the computer..checked out what the blood/lab work report was. Bactrim..wrong med for this particular infection. Put him on Cipro today. Guess they didn't have the lab work back when he went into the ER...usually takes time. Hope this one works for him. He says it hasn't been this bad in a while. :/
She is catching herself now?? Wow.. This is great! Need prayers for Richard.. going through a real bad UTI. Ended up going to the ER because it was so painful. Had an IV of some strong anti biotic.. then sent home with Bactrim. Pain pills too. A couple of days later..still sick. Went to his dr. Doc got on the computer..checked out what the blood/lab work report was. Bactrim..wrong med for this particular infection. Put him on Cipro today. Guess they didn't have the lab work back when he went into the ER...usually takes time. Hope this one works for him. He says it hasn't been this bad in a while.
I'm so sorry that he is struggling Cynthia. My thoughts go out to him. I really hope the new meds help!

And Blooie - it has been in the high 70's to low 80's for the past week for me too!!!!
There you guys are!!

Cynthia, of course Richard is in our prayers....those doggone UTIs are absolutely awful and now that he's on the right antibiotic maybe he'll be on the mend sooner than later. I don't know why UTIs are so doggone difficult for ER folks to get. It was the same way when Kendra would get them. We'd take her in, they'd take their samples, put her on an antibiotic, then call us back a couple of days later and tell us she needed a different antibiotic. They said it was because it take time for the culture to grow and show them what they needed to see. Well then don't put her on anything yet until we know for sure!! Jenny got to where she'd take her in, let them sample and prescribe, then wait a couple more days before she filled it. Her theory was Kendra was going to build up resistance to antibiotics if she started one, stopped it, and switched all the time so she'd rather waste a day and get the right one to start with. I know there's flawed thinking in there somewhere, but doggoned if I can find it. Now, when she'd have one starting and we'd take her to her regular pediatrician, he'd believe us even if she wasn't really sick yet, look in her chart, and start us on the right stuff immediately based on that. But sometimes, as you know with these things, they don't always decide to happen when the regular doctor's office is open and you get sick so fast the ER is your only option.

Nope, Kendra isn't cathing her self yet. She was just pretending with the hose off Ken's breathing thingie. But it was so funny how matter-of-fact she was with it. Lift shirt, put cath on belly button, put cath down and go on merry way. Silly Kendra! Smart Kendra!

Jessimom!! Haven't seen you in too long! We ain't anywhere near your temps but it's balmy for us (40-50) right now and I'll take it! What's new and exciting in Jessi's life? How's she doing? I thought of her when we took Katie in for her new glasses.....have you seen a big difference now that she's had the right prescription long enough?

We need a check in from Katie.....Caleb.....and all the other kids as well....

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