Raising chickens for eggs: is it cost effective or not?


Mother Goose
15 Years
Mar 30, 2009
Central WI
Not sure if this belongs here or not......

Just a curious question. Since I currently do not have chickens of my own (but plan on getting some as soon as it is possible), I was wondering if it was more cost effective to keep and raise chickens for the wonderful free-range nutritious eggs that they produce; or is it cheaper to purchase the SAME type of egg at the grocery store?

I have been told that it costs more $$ to raise chickens for their eggs than going to the store and purchasing the eggs, but I think the person was talking about the comparison of regular store eggs and not organic free range eggs.

Any thoughts or comments?

I personally would rather raise the chickens myself and eat the eggs my own hens produce and not give a darn about the cost. at least then I would know where my food comes from and what was in it!
I would say it's more expensive BUT what about knowing where there food comes from and knowing the hens are happy is a BIG plus becides who wouldn't want a chicken
and silkies would be fun too....chooks don't have to be just for eggs!!
I don't know if it is COST EFFECTIVE, but anything that will DEFER the cost is worth it.

Just keep in mind that home-grown organic eggs are worth MORE than what the grocery store charges for a dozen white 'all-cramped-together-hen's' eggs.

People will buy them. I would...If I didn't already have those kind of eggs!

Good luck!
I was just having this conversation with my sister. I have chickens and she dosen't. yes it will cost more than just going to the store and buying eggs. There is the feed cost and the upkeep of the chickens, but it is soooo worth it! The chickens will become like your pets and they are so fun to have around. I will never be without chickens again!
All depends on how you go about it. I free range and seem to use alot less feed than some others on here who do not free range. Depends on cost of feed for chickens in you area as well as cost of eggs in your area. Lots of things to factor in such as housing materials and whatnot. i think plenty of people manage to sell their eggs on a regular basis and this helps as well. I think one member probably summed it well in saying something to the effect of the more chickens she had the closer they came to paying for themselves or even making a small profit. I definitely plan to use mine for eggs and will also process and eat the occasional cull that is either one rooster too many or having behavior issues and whatnot. A few of my favorites have names, well ok I'll be honest over half of my flock of hens and roosters have names, but I also know I have plenty of chickens that I could cut my flock in half and still have plenty of eggs to provide fresh ones for family and still have some to sell occasionally. Really depends on animal husbandry and how you plan to raise your birds, for what purpose and where your "line" ( when a hen or bird will be culled ) is drawn if they are not performing to your expectations. I am currently in the process of getting my flock established, but so far I totally think they are worth every cent I have put into them so far. I will probably be pretty picky when it comes to my laying hens next year and will begin either selling or stewpotting the ones that aren't cutting the mustard. I know that didn't really answer your question maybe someone else can tell you more about cutting costs and making those girls pull their own weight, lol!
See, now I was thinking that if you were running out and purchasing eggs for a family of 6, if you are buying organic free-range eggs vs. raising your own you should about break even.
It's very difficult to beat the efficiency & cost-effectiveness of mass-produced factory-farmed eggs in your private backyard flock. I doubt you could get your hens to lay eggs for $1 a dozen, even if you don't count the cost of all your time & effort in their care. You might be able to come close to beating the cost of organic free-ranged chicken eggs sold in pricey health-food stores, especially if you don't count in the cost of building your coops & pens.


I don't think there are any eggs sold in any store or even farmer's market that can compare to the quality of truly fresh eggs gathered from your own beloved hens in your very own back yard. Add to that the pride & satisfaction you feel harvesting your own home-made groceries, and the convenience of collecting them without ever leaving home. Plus the wonderful connection you'll have with your food source, and the reassurance of knowing just where it came from and the health & well-being of the animals who produced it.

Get some chickens of your own & try it for yourself!

get chickens
get chickens
get chickens
get chickens
get chickens
In my current city chickens are not allowed. We PLAN on moving to the country ASAP!

I did hatch out some chicks this spring and loved every minute of it! I plan on getting chickens as soon as we move.

And I know the satisfaction of watching chickens and collecting eggs; my MIL has chickens. They are such a delight to have around; I can't wait to have some of my own!
Right now I have about 50 hens. I only get a little over 3 dozen eggs a day. Yes, some of the hens are old and don't lay every day. I sell my extra eggs for $3 a dozen. It's cost me $33 dollars to feed my hens, roosters and ducks a week. So, the hens make me $9 a day and all of my birds cost $4.71 a day to feed. I'd say that my girls pay for their feed and then some
I realized that the more chickens I had the more they paid for themselves, especially since I added 15 White Leghorns
Besides my customers like the color assorted eggs.
The birds themselves are, because I'd buy the organic fed eggs anyways. The coop however.... hubby crunched numbers, and for the next 13 years he expects a fresh egg breakfast to call that even.

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