I currently have 8, 7 week old chicks that I'm raising for eggs. I love them and I can't imagine killing them for meat even when they are spent...could only kill them if they became a problem (aggressive, loud, etc). I got to watch my teacher kill and process a chicken in my agriculture class and I've been really thinking about raising chickens for meat as well. I don't know the differences in raising them. I wouldn't want to raise the meat chickens with my egg layers so I would have to build another coop for the meat chickens. I'd start out with a very small flock, maybe 5 just so that I'm not overwhelmed and if I can't handle killing them, I don't have an abundance of chickens to deal with.
Here's my questions:
1. What do they eat?
2. When do I butcher?
3. How much space does each bird need?
4. How much does it cost to raise a bird?
5. What breed is best?
Here's my questions:
1. What do they eat?
2. When do I butcher?
3. How much space does each bird need?
4. How much does it cost to raise a bird?
5. What breed is best?