Raising chickens on weekends

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I am troll...run and hide quick...
Look, all I'm getting at is I like the both of you and this whole thing shouldn't have gotten out of hand.

Mayberry, when you brought up Bok Bok as an example of no matter how much we love and care for our chickens, bad things still happen - I totally got your point. HOWEVER, Southern took it as you throwing his death in her face. Stand in Southern's shoes. If you brought up my dead pet, I'd be touchy too.

I feel this was all a terrible miscommunication. Let's all be friends. That is all.
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I don't think my chickens would give a crap if they never saw me again. I mean they follow me around all over the yard, but that is just cause I am Mr. Food.
If food mysteriously appeared in their feeders, and water in the waterer, they would not give two craps about me.
It's instictual, that's all.
If you can devise a way for food/water to be taken care of, and it's predetor proof, it would not be neglect. Neglect means they are not physically taken care of. You cannot impose human characteristics like "being lonely for you" on a bird.
That being said if I did not touch my 5 gallon waterer for a week it would probably still have water in it, but it would be a poop/hay/algae filled trough that I don't think they would care to drink out of unless they had to.
That I think would be the biggest problem to over come.
Even if you did not care about the eggs, and just collected them and threw them out when you got there, that's your bussiness.
Well this whole thread was my entertainment for the day.
:) Now I think I'll go out and clean up chicken poop!

Hope everyone left as friends!
I agree! You guys are too valuable to this Forum to start gettin' upset. We want to keep you on here, cheering us up and giving us good stuff to read!
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