Raising chicks in winter


Nov 10, 2020
So I’ve now learned why not to let a broody hatch eggs in late November:thDon’t get me wrong, I love these new little fluffs but I’m starting to realize how hard raising them in winter is gonna be. It’s now December 1st and the chicks are 2 weeks old. And of course there’s 4 inches of snow on the ground and it’s going to get down to 23F tonight. As of now they spend the whole day in the coop. I have a heat lamp over their food and water for when the chicks aren’t under their mom. Anything else I should do? Any tips for keeping things warm for them?View attachment 2433263
well, you could always move them into the living room lol .. get one of those big cardboard produce bins and set it up and let ma and the kids live in luxury ... im sure theyll be fine as long as mama is around though, chickens seem to brush off cold pretty good, i got some 5 week old pullets out there, i just started free ranging them with the clan this morning and its pretty chilly, but theyre just livin large, dont act like they want the box at all, well maybe alittle there at dark lol, but theyre so smart, got right on the program in a single day ....
How many chicks do you have? I’ve got 1 chick under a broody and we’re just letting her do her thing. As long as mama Han can cover all of the babies they should be fine without too much help.
How many chicks do you have? I’ve got 1 chick under a broody and we’re just letting her do her thing. As long as mama Han can cover all of the babies they should be fine without too much help.
There’s 8 total. As of now she still manages to cover them. Hopefully they won’t get too big to fit under her anytime soon.

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