Raising Geese 101

No here is a pic of the bator i made but I'll take pix of eggs tomorrow

Ya i can't believe it and btw what temperature do the embryos in goose eggs before you incubate before they die is it below freezing? Because that could ec
Xplain why ladt year i didnt hatch anything but luckily 3 of the eggs i got right after she laced them the other one was the 1st one which was under hay and wasn't frozen but I think ill b able to hatch
That knob looks like a female but ur saying male here's a pick of my male and female chinese

It looks more female to me as well. Bruce actually didn't start laying eggs until almost her third year though she was a bit of a late hatch.
Hmmm... interesting! Maybe I can convince one of these ladies (or both) to raise me a pair of goslings!

Well if they go broody they would most likely take you up on it. Getting them to go broody is the key here.
I have Muscovy and they go broody at the drop of a hat.
your girls are pretty!
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