Raising goldfish in a plastic storage bin. Questions..


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey everyone I won 3 goldfish from the fair about 3 years and have been keeping them in a 5 gallon aquarium, which I know is way too small. So I have decided to buy one of those blue plastic storage bin things and raise them in there. I would also like to cut out a drain on the bottom so I can change the water.

Ok, so the point of this post is... How do I cut out a drain on the bottom? I know just cut a hole, but how do I make a plug to go over it when there is water in it??
I've heard of raising them in bins but never a drain on the bottom. Hopefully someone with experience will join in.
installing a leak proof drain is a very daunting task , involving the right blades , silicone and pipe fittings.
We have an indoor turtle pond (54 Gallon Rubbermaid Roughneck Tote) and when it comes time to change the water we open the window and siphon it all out. You can purchase a siphon thats easy to start but you can also make your own very easy. Google and youtube will be able to show you step by step on how to make/start a siphon.
Goodluck i hope this helps you

My best friend when water changing my 14gallon tank xD
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if you spend a bit more and buy a tote like this one http://www.lowes.com/pd_44066-51438...pl=1&currentURL=/pl__0__s?Ntt=tote&facetInfo= , you can install a bulkhead fitting or even better yet, a uniseal. http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/829/Uniseals I have koi ponds and use uniseals ALL the time to install pipes in the sides of 55 gallon barrels. I have used that tote box for a filter before and have installed uniseals in that too. A uniseal will NOT leak if it's installed properly. You have to use a hole saw to cut the hole. Then just stick the uniseal in the hole and push the PVC pupe through. then you can add a shut off valve and you are done. But honestly....you may be better off just buying a used 55 gallon aquarium somewhere. a tote really isn't big enough for 3 goldfish unless you really stay on top of filtration and water changes.
thanks for the links.. been looking for something like that for my duck pond.

I agree, you can get cheap tanks off craigs list or even at pet stores, the bin maybe good for temporary, but will be a pain in the behind to manage, and you can't see the fish!
Don't cut a drain. Use the siphon tool, that way you can clean the bottom and change water at the same time. Never do a 100 percent water change. It us very tough on the fish.
I've seen some pretty nice setups with a clear storage bin.. I wouldn't cut a hole in the bottom, but rather get a siphon
To use a siphon hose, you fill the entire hose with water. One end stays under water. The other end you put your thumb over, then put it outside the tank or tub, below the level of the water in the tank/tub. Take your thumb off and water will flow out.

Stock tanks also make great little ponds for goldfish, indoors and out. I've got a couple. I've used large sturdy plastic tubs for filters and settlement tanks. My husband put bulkhead fittings in them for me. I've got one in the bottom of my settlement chamber, to clean out all the gunk that settles in the bottom. It has a hose connected, so I can drain it where I want to.

If you use a plastic tub, get a sturdy one, so it doesn't crack over time from the pressure. Some of the cheap brands don't hold up. The Rubbermaid tubs I've used for filters have done well, compared to the cheap brands.

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