Raising Guinea Fowl 101

Trying to read up on the thread. I have 3 guinea that are just over 2 months old. Trying to listen ti them and tell who is male or female.

You should be able to tell the difference soon. Guineas usually start to have a different call around 8 or 9 weeks of age. The females can make the one syllable sounds of the males, but the males cannot make the two syllable female"buckwheat" sound. Also, the males will usually develop larger wattles, but yours are still pretty young to tell from that. What colors are your Guineas?
I have the pearls, and now I am thinking I should have gotten more. HAS ANYONE ANY EGGS TO HATCH? They Crack me up. Flying across my run and they scatter my EE bunch in the next run.
I have the pearls, and now I am thinking I should have gotten more. HAS ANYONE ANY EGGS TO HATCH? They Crack me up. Flying across my run and they scatter my EE bunch in the next run.

I have Guineas that should be laying eggs soon. I'm not sure why they haven't yet (they usually have quite a few eggs by now most years, but I have a much smaller flock this year.) If your looking for Guinea eggs to hatch or some keets in a few months time, I will hopefully have enough to spare; I am usually completely overrun with Guineas by summer. I live in Southeastern Iowa but maybe we could arrange something. (I have pearl grays, buff dundottes, porcelains, and pied so they will be some sort of combo of these).
Well darn, guess I will look for more keets then. Thank you both!

Watch the classifieds on this site, I was only able to find pearl and grey locally but wanted some others colors, so I got half a dozen random Guinea eggs from member houndit a few years back, I believe they sent 7 and 5 hatched, best shipped egg percentage I have ever had.... The shipping cost exceeded the egg cost if my memory is correct but the total per egg cost with shipping wasn't too bad,certainly no more then the $5 a pop keets sell for locally if you can find them...

I honestly wish I had ordered more then 6 so I could breed out the more of the rare colors...
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Newbie question time! I want to add a roost out in my run for my Guinea. The top of the run is 8 ft high welded wire fence. If I drop the roost down 2.5 ft will it be safe for them as they grow? In case they want to stay out all night in the run. I know they like being up high but I want to keep them from any raccoons that may try to reach through.

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