Rambling rant-how do you survive parenthood to a teenager?

I'm not a parent, so maybe my advice here comes cheap, but you listened to what the teenager had to say, so I'll put in what little I have too.

First, prescription drug use is becoming a major problem. I know young people who use Adderall just as frivolously as they might use marijuana or illicit substances. Now that you've found out drugs are a problem, you can take steps to do something about it. And I'm glad this came out.

Being glad that you found this out, I would caution you that this is not the root of the problem. Neither is his attitude, or anything else that some people have suggested trying to fix. You've already identified what's probably a major source of his problem: the abusive relationship you all survived. Way to go on getting out of it, and you're doing all the right things as far as I can tell.

To me, what's most important, is listening to what the teenage poster had to say. My problem was on a much smaller scale, but in first grade, I started exhibiting real reluctance to go to school and do my homework. Part of that was that I was a bratty little kid who didn't know my butt from my elbow (like your teenager), but part of it was that I was struggling with my teacher. Looking back, it wasn't all my fault and my behavior was a cry for help. I wanted someone to notice that this woman was horrible to me. She constantly manhandled me and acted like my behaviors, which as far as I can remember were normal for a six year old, were out of control. Mind you, I never had a behavior problem before or after her class. So my instinct is that yes, the abuse your kid saw is contributing to his attitude, but something else is probably troubling him at school or elsewhere in his life. It may not be bullying, but it is something. Do your best to figure it out. This mystery and his background are probably causing the drug use and the skipping.

And I wouldn't go so far as to recommend military school or scared straight programs. I had to do some research on these places for work and what I found was overwhelmingly negative. Not from their own sites, of course, or from TV personalities that tout this sort of thing, but from qualified medical and psychological professionals. These programs tend to treat the symptoms and not the roots of the problems, and often make the problems worse. You may see an improvement for a bit, but it will likely be followed by a regression.

As a teenager who wasn't troubled at all, I had a really hard time with anything that I didn't think was logical, practical, or sensible. It's just part of becoming an autonomous person. In my opinion, it's a good phase for them to go through, if annoying. Try to view it in that perspective, but just reinforce that you are the chief and your word is law. It won't help much, but the most important lesson is that he has to obey you at this age, even if he is gaining independence. Maybe explain to him that in order to grow up to be a good leader, he must first prove that he can be a good follower. Explain it to him in sports terms if he likes them so much. He can't tell the coach what the play will be...the coach tells him and he has to do it even if he thinks it's the wrong decision. When he becomes the coach, he can make the calls. He will grasp it even if he doesn't show it.

And even though a tough-love program isn't in my opinion a good solution, increasing his responsibility is. He probably should be cut from football, but not do become idle. He needs real responsibility in his life, both in terms of schoolwork, but also in something new that makes him feel empowered and valuable as a human being and member of a community. That sort of thing can have a marvelous effect on everything else. The hippie who would put him to work probably has a good idea, even though I firmly believe that you have to get to the root of the problem first.

Again, not a parent, so take it with a grain of salt. I really don't know that much.
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I appreciate all the advice. Both from parents and non-parents, older and younger. I take it all in. Honestly, I do.

Last night was particularly bad- and I came on here to dig up this thread. I was surprised to find it right on top. However, my son was in the background and I couldn't type without him possibly seeing.

To say it is hard here right now, would be a gross understatement. I am exhausted, aging, and nothing seems to be working.
Sometimes it does. He has been in school every day for two weeks. mini victory. ha! According to my son's outburst last night, however, I don't know where this is going to end. We are at the beginning.
His new thing is, "since I don't believe him, he is just going to do it- since I am accusing him of it anyhow."

Without going into many details- because honestly, it has worn me out and to relive it long enough to type it, is more than I can handle this morning- I am trying very hard and I will either get my son on the right track or it will kill me literally. My son goes to counseling on Mondays. My daughters have been instructed to keep their valuables locked up, I keep my money, cigarettes, etc locked in my room. My son has no access to cash now. He has to earn the right to be trusted again. He expects that he should be trusted now- that it has been two weeks. He told me very vulgarly to shut up last night, he punched the garage wall and busted open his knuckles. I told him to clean the blood up. I don't care if he made his knuckles hamburger meat- they are his knuckles, so I didn't respond to that. He told me that he has hated me for five years. The way my son was cussing and screaming at me last night, I thought for sure my husband would come out of the back room and knock him out. But he didn't, and he let me handle it. I appreciate that. There is no screaming from me- and this has worn me out. I still have to work full time and care for my younger children. I have laid down the law, and every day he challenges me.
I know it has to get 'worse' before it gets better. I am in for the long-haul, and hopefully we all survive this.
...hang in there....
When I read that I heard my own mother's voice, replying "Don't go getting all tricky-twisty on me. It's my job to be a pain in the @$$".
Keep being a pain. That's how you'll help him.
When I read that I heard my own mother's voice, replying "Don't go getting all tricky-twisty on me. It's my job to be a pain in the @$$".
Keep being a pain. That's how you'll help him.

I was thinking, don't let him send you down guilt-trip road!
DD1 has used that one on me, too!!
There may be a bright side...growing up with a rebellious older brother might tame the younger ones. It sure taught me what I had to do to avoid arguments with my parents when I became a teenager.

My brother used to fight my parents all the time and I found out when I was an adult that it was over him smoking weed. I had the scariest suspicion of it when I was 9 and the fights were going on. I would go out in the yard, pick a dandelion, and wish on it that my brother would "stop being a bad teenager." It didn't really work for him
but I never touched drugs myself after seeing all the fights and trauma my mom went through. And I knew better than to ask if I could go to a rock concert. If the answer for Alex was no, then it was going to be no for me too.
Count the days until they are 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh how we have walked in your shoes!

I had three in high school at the same time .....................left a note on the fridge one Friday:

Dear Kids,

After careful consideration your father and I have decided to move out.
I left an itemized list of the bills that are due on the table for you all to go over and figure out how you are going to manage. It is very important to remember that if you are late on these bills, sometimes they get a little testy and they will discontinue your services. Good thing your dad and I split and stacked the wood that weekend that no-one wanted to help.

I am sorry that I didn't have the chance to get you more toilet paper before leaving, but I am sure that since you have figured everything else out that you will somehow manage this as well.

We should be settled in to our new place in a couple of weeks. Boy I hope it's not to rough out there in the big bad world.
Cross you fingers and wish us well!

Mom and Dad

We actually left for 4 days ...............we didn't answer any calls, my mother knew where we were and what we were up to so they, the kids, were supervised and she would call me with updates after they called her ........man, I owe her big!

Much to my dismay this only helped for about 3 weeks.......they still knew everything and we were still oblivious according to them.

keep trekking along - tough love IS the answer....Love is the answer...slow and steady wins the game and you're doing fine. Keep up the good work!

If son wants to pull the "you dont believe me anyhow" trick - tell him "well - take the drug tests (yes ALL of them) and then I'll have something to believe you on - Prove me wrong and we can move forward from there - as I'd love nothing more than to be wrong. Until then, you're correct and that's the end of this discussion son." And move on - do not look back and do not get suckered into an arguement. The more he does (punches walls, screams, kicks, cries) let him - its when he SEES that it bothers you and can get a rise out of you - is when he knows his temper tantrums are working.

Is there an underlying cause to all of this? Absolutely there is - and you're doing the right things so far. Counseling is 100% needed - and while he's a minor - he must do as YOU SAY - if he refuses to go - you do what you have to to MAKE HIM GO. Keep telling him no matter how bad he gets or how mean the things he says are that you love him and will do whatever it takes to help him, it is out of your love for him you do what you do and one day, he will see it.

DO NOT GIVE UP ON HIM -...that would be the worst thing you could possibly do - ever.

Keep going..you're doing fine.

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