Ran over a bird today- already dead


All things share the same breath- Chief Seattle
11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
The Emerald City
My Coop
My Coop
Was out mowing the lawn when I heard a loud thump. Looked down to see lots of little gray & brown feathers. I ran over the remains of a wild bird, probably a black capped chicadee.
I have a sneaking suspicion the the chickens had killed it. This morning I was watching them trying to catch the little birds if they came down to ground level.

Imp's glad that imps are bigger than chicadees.
Every single day I make them a salad for dinner.

Last night was garden spinach with cheerios
Lol! For tonight I just made them Apple Cabbage slaw with Whiskas, garnished with a sprinkle of oats

Imp- hungry yet?
LOL!!! This morning I was doing the chores and I opened the Duck Coop door and all these sparrows flew out and the ducks were just staring!

Always a ton of little birds in my coops and runs. They are perching with the chickens side by side when I open the door then they start flying around. They make a worse mess out of the feed then the chickens do.
I went over to my neighbors and peeked inside her coop to check out her new chickens and a flock of probably 100 little birds flew outta there. I have never yet seen a single bird inside my coop let along inside my run. Don't you think that's weird??

Poor little chickadee. If it wasn't dead already it was sick so you did the poor little thing a favor.

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