Random Pilgrim Pair in my barn one morning?

OMG the goose went broody!! I found her this morning in their overnight pen sitting on a nest she must have made that night and would not get off of it! Also now the gander is being very protective of her, she must have layed the eggs the past little while and hid them somewhere under the hay at night! 28-30 days till little goslings! I don't know how many are under her yet but she has to get off her nest eventually :D
Congrats!!! I hope you have a bunch of goslings in about 30 days... give or take a day or two.
My Pilgrim goose, Lily, just started laying again... lost her first clutch to freezing weather. She's on egg #3 and I checked the first egg she laid and it's ... FERTILE! Yea!
Congrats!!! I hope you have a bunch of goslings in about 30 days... give or take a day or two.
My Pilgrim goose, Lily, just started laying again... lost her first clutch to freezing weather. She's on egg #3 and I checked the first egg she laid and it's ... FERTILE! Yea!
nothing sweeter than lil goslings!!
OMG the goose went broody!! I found her this morning in their overnight pen sitting on a nest she must have made that night and would not get off of it! Also now the gander is being very protective of her, she must have layed the eggs the past little while and hid them somewhere under the hay at night! 28-30 days till little goslings! I don't know how many are under her yet but she has to get off her nest eventually
So excited for you, sounds like they have made themselves at home.. keep us updated on your adventure.
On a totally unrelated note that I just had to share, when I saw your thread title I CRACKED UP. Why you ask? I was picturing a couple of pilgrims (people) standing sheepishly in the corner of your barn. :lol:
Well, I found out she is kind of broody, she made a nest and has been sleeping on it every night but still no eggs :( hopefully she will start soon! Should I make her a broody box and put some hay into it? Whenever I turn the night on I the barn she squawks and jumps off of her nest until I am done the chores, then when I turn the light back off she goes back onto the nest :/

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