Random question that came up to my mind


Oct 9, 2017
So I have a random question that I thought about...
does anyone find it at least a tiny bit fun to just stare at your chickens?
I do XD They do funny things like when my rooster wants to mate with one of my hens, she just starts to flap her wings and runs away from him really fast then clucks loudly and it makes me laugh :lau
also everytime I open my door to the backyard, two of my pullets just walk inside my house and just follow me they just look so adorable XD
Great question. :clap I love to just stare at my chickens and ducks. The quirks, the individual personalities, and even the relatable things to life always put a smile on my face. :D
As I was watching my chickens this afternoon, my ducks came up to me and tugged on my pants. So, of course I had to crouch down to let them nibble my hand. :)
The only way you learn about your flock is to observe (this goes for most things in life really).

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