Random Topics, Random Thoughts, Making Friends

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Rosie knows I am up and wants her breakfast. When the coffee is done, I get a cup and go have coffee with her every morning, while she eats, she doesn't drink coffee. I have to feed in the dark and my flashlight battery is almost dead. I went to the store other night but all I could find was c size and I needed d's.
youngest son is going out of town to work this week, be back thurs. he was out of town working last week too.

1976 posts, that's a good number, too. Year I graduated high school.
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I remember in 1976 for the bicentennial in new york city, the whole neighborhood painted our fire hydrants in different permutations of red, white and blue. My sisters and I painted the one in front of our house with stars and stripes. It looked awesome!!!!
pboo boasted," I went to the store other night but all I could find was c size and I needed d's. "

I thought you said you didn't own a bra?

see you later...i'm getting sick...with whatever it is my mom is sick with...i no feel good.

but i'm taking my dd to ballet/tap anyway...so i can go breathe on everyone. te he he.

i just sneezed.

i'll make sure to do some of that too.

I hope you feel better soon maple!
That's cool bluey painting for the bicentennial !

I've been soaking bok bok' feet in mineral oil and that ucky thing finally came off, after months. A long time ago she was infested with leg mites and it really messed up her legs, they are so crusty. I hope that she can walk around better now, it is still sore right now. They've all gone to bed, so I'm sure therre won't be any pecking at her, she had her leg nice and tucked away. And Cotton and tree Chick put themselves to bed in the chicken pen again! yahoo. They both were newcomers in Jan and it took all this time for them to go to bed in there.

I had forgotten about the thread dacjohns, and I hadn't seen it after you posted the pics. Sorry I am a little forgetful

Maple I hope you get to feeling better soon.

I want some coffee
Hey Okie!!!

Hey Sickie McSickerson!!!!

Hey Dac and 'boo

Hey FisherMom!

What up, CBK!!!!

Hey Sacred Cow!

(can't touch this!...)
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My neck is SOOO sore.

I sneezed...and sneezed...and sneezed....and sneezed...and sneezed....whoops, I sneezed.

I am sooo tired but I got to bed at a fairly decent hour.

And today I had a caffe mocha...thats expresso, choc. syrup, and milk. Do you think I'm crashing from my caffiene high today?...or is it cuz i'm sick? and mom said she slept and slept...or is it a little bit of both?

old man chuck came and mowed my lawn over the weekend while me and grams was shopping at the flea market. I stopped by his house the other day and he and a couple of old men were watching the construction crew put up his new and improved house, since his other one looks like the leaning tower of Pisa (sp?). I said, hey, chuck...did you mow my lawn the other day? They all started laughing.

He says, "why? does something look different?" I laughed and said, yeah, it looks shorter. And he said, yeah, he did. And I hugged the big guy. And then I teased him and said, you forgot my backyard. They all started laughing but Chuck, who had his eyebrows up and said the chickens were out and toys were scattered about...he said he wasn't in the right frame of mind to move toys. ha ha.

So I told him we moved the toys and when did he think he would be back...i'd leave the chickens in the chicken yard. So guess who's here right now? woohooo...What a great guy.

My 2 yr. old calls him Guck. "BYE GUCK!"

He's my favorite old man.

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Thank heavens for the sweet old chucks of the world. My FIL is one....

Get your rest g... you can't go dying on us yet....
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