Up until recently, we had not had any problems with our post office shipping eggs. Well on March 6th, DH went to the PO and the lady gave him a really hard time and he had a word back. Nothing mean was said. Anyway, the eggs didn't arrive to the BYC member until the 14th!!!
I received a PM from the person the eggs were sent to and the box was so smashed that they had to wrap it in a plastic bag, it also smelled awful! I immediately called the customer service number and gave them a piece of my mind, no swearing or yelling, just a firm "How could you let this happen?" She said there wasn't anything she or anyone could do. I asked for a manager and she was the manager
, so I asked for her supervisor. That person would be out until Monday. I requested that the supervisor call me back asap because I don't want this to happen to anyone else. The supervisor called me back that same day and I told her what had happened, etc. She explained to me that she did some research and the box had been shipped through the conveyors not handled by a person, which made me even madder. I, again, explained to her what this error and the PO had cost not only me because I needed to replace those eggs but what it cost the person who bought the eggs. After about 20 minutes of more "talking", she said she would talk to her supervisor about some kind of reimbursement and would call me back Monday or Tuesday. I wans't holding my breath! Well she just called and she cannot replace the cost of the eggs but will reimburse me for the shipping!!!!!!!!!!
I am just beside myself. I can't hardly believe it! Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you all in case you ever have a situation like it! I hope the outcome is good.
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