Rat Snake! (insert explicative here)


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
So I get home from my Spanish class and it's a little after 9:00pm. I didn't shut the chicken door before I left because I thought my husband would remember to do it, but I didn't call him so it didn't get done.

When I got home I checked and about six of the 49 five+ week old chicks were sleeping outside which surprised me because even though it's warm (in mid 70's) but it's been VERY windy today and the wind was bothering them earlier

I put my big spotlight in the coop and eventually all six walked back in. Then as I was walking away I heard that PEEP! sound like one was in distress, but it wasn't that repeatative PEEP! PEEP! PEEP!
I was also taking groceries into the house so I took what I had in my hands into the house and went back to check....guess what I found????

A freakin' RAT SNAKE wrapped around the neck of one of my Buff Cochins!

The dang snake was only the thickness of a Sharpie marker, what the heck was it going to do with the chick..not eat it!

I yelled for my husband because at first I thought it was a baby rattlesnake (they look a lot alike). He came rushing out and grabbed a floor squeegee and squeeged the snake to death, then we made sure my smashing his head in with a rock bar! (The snake...not my husband..!)
Bye Rat Snake....!

....the chick seems okay and she immediately ran away. As long as she doesn't go shocky I think she'll survive.

We had problems with rat snakes before but only after we started getting eggs. I think I'll get some chalk eggs and put around the coop because if a bigger snake finds the chicks they don't stand a chance.
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They are fake eggs and if a snake swallows one it'll die because they don't digest.

You can also use them to help your hen go broody...or so I've been told.
If the snake was that small it was a juvenile snake, better keep a sharp eye out for more brothers and sisters.

Yep, they are out now, darnit!

Ran into my first one of the season last night... Scared the u know what out of me...
It was climbing on the outside of the chicken coop, right by the door I was going out there to close.

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