Rat with twisted neck, doing barrel rolls!? UPDATE: She didn't make it :( And now her cagemate is d

Thank you!!! That link was EXTREMELY helpful! I found a feed store near me that sells amoxicillan so we will be set! Now hopefully this will work...
Ok so I bought Fish Mox, which is just amoxicillin in capsules.

Except, I have no idea how to weigh roxy.... We don't have a scale. I'm scared of getting the dosage wrong if I don't weigh her. Also, I am positive the powder form of this medicine isn't tasty. Can I dilute it with water and add some caramel or something to make it more appealing?
The best idea I can come up with is to do an online search for the average weight of this type and sex of rat.
Digital scales that weigh in grams are very cheap nowadays. You can find them at office supply stores, kitchen stores, walmart, etc

There would be no way to guess on the weight. Rats from the same litter, same sex can vary hugely. My friend has rats that are all sisters from the same litter. One is gigantic, not fat but just big. Another who is actually very bossy (so it isn't like she doesn't get enough food) is a peanut, very small.
I mix bad tasting meds in PB- it should have a how to give meds on the Rat Guide.

My rats varied greatly in weight and were all males.

If you have a digital human scale that weighs out to two decimal points in KG mode that would work also, (you + rat) minus (you) = (rat)...

she's not eating mush with that much infection in her she might be lighter then you think.
Ok guys! Roxy is between 6 and 7 oz.

Each capsule has 250 grams of amoxicillin in it.

What do I do? Lol. The rat guide says 2cc per pound, but how do I convert that to apply to a powder form?
This is very strange. I used to have two rats and they both died of cancer. I did have a friend who had a rat with a problem that matches your description exactly. However, she told me her rat was back to its normal state within a few days. If you do find out what it is, please tell me. Good luck!

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