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thank you ducclelover10. things are looking a bit better i work at a vets office we lost a pet in surgery, that day and i lost a chick to pasty butt too and a couple of days before that one of the ranch horses died of colic/old age. and my truck needed a$560 repair.but on a positve n
note my macanic is awasome fixed my truck with no ot charges worked pn it till 11 pm. the horse died quick and this clutch of eggs i have an 80precent hatch survival rate .so praise God things can be worse
7 for 4 June 2014 as the doctor removed a couple of cancer spots in my intestines and for some reason I can eat much better ....
gander007 that is good news your in my prayers! i have a friend of 20years just before i met her she was give the news of ovarian cancer and get your affairs in order you have about 3 months left.. she out live that doctor and will probably out live me and the rest of our friends!!!!! Cute cute cute peeps!!!!!
gander007 that is good news your in my prayers! i have a friend of 20years just before i met her she was give the news of ovarian cancer and get your affairs in order you have about 3 months left.. she out live that doctor and will probably out live me and the rest of our friends!!!!! Cute cute cute peeps!!!!!

Thank you

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