Rate Your Day From A Scale Of 1-10

About an 8
That is Hillary^ and Saddie v

One of my friends that i grew up with's daughters

I might be taking care of them for like 5 days/week for the next three months!
I love them like my own and help take care of them everyday anyway, but my friend
is going to be out of state and his gf is working so they need more help. They are the
most beautiful/best little girls ever!
Awe aren't they sweet always nice to have little ones running around the house .....

That alone should give your day better then a 2 sounds like it should be at least a 6 or better ....

So how are the little chicks doing now they should be getting really big ,, I know mine are growing really fast and it makes it very hard for me to go outside as they are always under foot and some times I can hardly move and when I was checking under the hood of one of the vehicles today I had about a dozen chicks up there checking thing out with me so I had to put that off till dark after they went to roost so I could finish checking all the fluids .....

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