Rats, rats EVERYWHERE! ☹️



Sudden Reptile Fanatic
6 Years
Jul 8, 2018
This all started last year when my neighbor unloaded some rat-infested materials. They quickly came up to my house. Plentiful food supply, right? Well. I cant take it anymore. There’s stupid rats EVERYWHERE by my chicken pens. And I can’t use poison and no amount of traps would ever get all those dang mice.

Do I rehome my flock and start anew later?? It seems the rat population keeps growing and growing. My feed bill is sky high because I’m feeding more rats than chickens. It’s to the point where my chickens are absolutely starving if not fed twice daily.

If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know.

I already have 4 cats.
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Okay, this is the same thing I say to every member, read this article! It decimated my rat problem! I suggest the feeder (Grandpas feeder) that is suggested in the article! I bought one and love it! Fo more reasons then just keeping out rats! Look here for the Q&A section, and here for the purchase section! There is also another brand of feeder that will probably come up here, one made my Al Gerhart with also looks well made. You want to do everything that the article says, I highly suggest not using poison, for all the reasons and more listed in the article. I hope this helps! Article- https://backyardchickenproject.com/how-to-get-rid-of-rats-in-the-chicken-coop-the-definitive-guide/
Okay, this is the same thing I say to every member, read this article! It decimated my rat problem! I suggest the feeder (Grandpas feeder) that is suggested in the article! I bought one and love it! Fo more reasons then just keeping out rats! Look here for the Q&A section, and here for the purchase section! There is also another brand of feeder that will probably come up here, one made my Al Gerhart with also looks well made. You want to do everything that the article says, I highly suggest not using poison, for all the reasons and more listed in the article. I hope this helps! Article- https://backyardchickenproject.com/how-to-get-rid-of-rats-in-the-chicken-coop-the-definitive-guide/
Well it looks very nice for sure. My worry is that they’ll start eating eggs and nibbling on my birds.
Well it looks very nice for sure. My worry is that they’ll start eating eggs and nibbling on my birds.
Yes, that is an issue. You need to make sure that they can't get into the coop when it is locked up, and then just take the eggs away as soon as possible. The rats are more wried abbot the chicken food, then the eggs. It is a good worry though.

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