Rattlesnake, not one but two

I like rattlesnake, it is very tasty! However it would take a few big ones to make a dinner! Not much meat on them!

The one in the pan was 42" not including its head, (and whatever else was lost by the 12 gauge!) besides its tail of 13 rattles ...

I actually was not out hunting rattlesnakes, but out hunting doves, when it threatened my life ... So I shot it with the shotgun in my hands I had for dove hunting ... I believe in eating whatever I can, that I shoot out hunting ...
Our 11 year old dog was bitten by a juvenile rattlesnake on his nose on our patio a few years ago. $2500 later, he was fine. He's a big dog & by the time we got him to the vet, his head was hugely swollen. The snake was dispatched since he was too close to the house & juveniles unload most of their venom. We have 3 year old twin grandsons & we really watch now. We've lived here about 15 years now & it's the only rattlesnake we've seen in our backyard. I'm sure they're around, but with 3 dogs in the backyard, they stay away.
And yes, always good to save harmless snakes! Garter snakes will help keep down insect and rodent populations, king snakes will take care of ground squirrels, rattlers, other venomous snakes, birds like crows, and rabbits, so they are a huge asset. I have an albino checkered garter snake who eats fish and, though I don't feed him them, they will also eat pinky mice. He is nippy though, you don't want to surprise him at mealtime! Lol
I had to jump in on this interesting post. I hope the OP doesn't mind. @Jesusfreak101 We have tarantulas that migrate through here every couple years. The boyz out hunting the women. If I see one in a year, I'll see 10 all within a month or 2.
They are always headed west and my house is in the way. I always catch them up and release them down by a creek where they have a clear path west. I really like them, just not in my house or garage! They can live like 25 years and do no harm. In my kitchen? NOT funny!
@LeafBlade12345 I'm in the IE. So Cal. I used to bring all the gopher snakes home from work (animal control) to release on my property. We had some beautiful varieties of snakes come in. 23 years here. I've never seen a rattlesnake on my property. I think I'd move out! I see them in the road and caught at work, never here.
Used to eat fried rattlesnake in Fla! They were everywhere! Guess they are in Tx too!
There are A LOT in Texas! I also bring home snakes from other places to my yard, especially when they are going to be killed. We had some "friends" who moved away to Indiana or something. They were pretty rude and hated animals. They found a nest of garter snakes at their house and were about to kill them before I took them home in a cardboard box and let them free in our yard. Boy was I mad. We also have massive black tarantulas here, I love them! They are really cool and keep down the rodent population quite well in the area. They usually only come out in the summer though.
Our 11 year old dog was bitten by a juvenile rattlesnake on his nose on our patio a few years ago. $2500 later, he was fine. He's a big dog & by the time we got him to the vet, his head was hugely swollen. The snake was dispatched since he was too close to the house & juveniles unload most of their venom. We have 3 year old twin grandsons & we really watch now. We've lived here about 15 years now & it's the only rattlesnake we've seen in our backyard. I'm sure they're around, but with 3 dogs in the backyard, they stay away.
Hi rides. That's awful. About juvenile venom, in Temecula, in a subdivison, a litter of Goldendoodle pups found a nest. 5 got bit, 3 died, 2 survived. $6000. vet bill. They sure are here.

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