Raven Claw, Suspected Cockerel. Sebright/Millie Fluer Mix Is a beloved pet in need of new home.


8 Years
May 24, 2011
Louisville Kentucky
Raven Claw is her/his name. This bird was hatched by my husbands pet silkie. She hatches out almost all the eggs here. My husband wanted to keep this bird but as it got older I'm no longer sure it's a female and if it's a rooster we just can't have anymore. This bird is a MillieFluer Du'ccle/Gold Sebright mix. Very cute with puffy chicks. Raven Claw needs a new home she is my husbands favorite bird but he knows we can not keep her and we only want her to got to a loving home where she can either crow or lay with your flock of bantams too.

This a Ky only deal I am not up for shipping.
You should post a pic.
Sorry. Just realized we don't know the sex yet. My rooster will kill a cockerel. We're kind of a one roo coop. (which is too bad because I've often wondered what that mix would look like! cute, i'm sure)
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Hey, I'm located about half an hour north of Cincinnati, and I'd be happy to take him/her. I have a big old stable with just my lonely old hen, I'm sure she's be happy for the company.
Sorry everyone I forgot I had this up. One of my nieghbors decided they wanted him. But I have 5 new chickies looking for a home to be loved all free of course if any one's interested PM me. I'lll be posting pictures soon on a seperate forum

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